Flag Referendum Needs To Look Out For Future Generations
Flag Referendum Needs To Look Out For Future
United Future Party President, Damian Light is encouraging New Zealanders to vote for future generations in the upcoming referendum on New Zealand’s flag.
“This is a change that will affect generations of New Zealanders who do not get a vote in this referendum. When we vote we need to take that into consideration.”
New Zealanders go to the polls from 3-24 March 2016 to vote between retaining our current flag and replacing it with Kyle Lockwood’s Silver Fern design that won the first referendum.
Mr Light called for New Zealanders to discuss the issue of the flag referendum with their children and grandchildren in order to ensure that they too could be represented in this referendum.
“It doesn’t matter what option you end up voting for but by talking to our children and grandchildren about what they prefer on the flag we can help give them a voice in deciding how we visualise New Zealand’s identity.”
“This referendum is one of the most important for New Zealanders to be involved in; it will decide what modern New Zealand wants to be represented by on our national symbols. This issue must take into account the views of our younger generations as well.”