Kiwis won’t fall for Joyce’s spin
Grant Robertson
MP for
Wellington Central
12 July
Kiwis won’t fall for Joyce’s spin
Steven Joyce’s embarrassingly obvious spin on Labour’s Families Package won’t fool anyone, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson Grant Robertson.
“Labour has made our priorities clear, Labour’s plan boosts incomes for families, superannuitants, beneficiaries, and new parents. Steven Joyce is coming up with fake numbers to attack Labour’s plan, but the facts don’t lie.
“Around one and a half million Kiwis live in households that will get a Working for Families boost with Labour, more than a million live in households that will receive the Winter Energy Payment, and half a million New Zealanders will benefit from Best Start payments.
“All up, 70 per cent of families with kids get more out of Labour’s Families Package than they do under National’s tax cuts.
“Unlike National, Labour’s fresh approach will ensure everyone in New Zealand will be better off thanks to the increased funding for housing, health, education, and other priorities made possible by Labour’s Families Package.
“Bill English and Steven Joyce need to explain why they are still defending their plan, which delivers $20 a week to each of them - but just $7 a week to a couple on $70,000 with a toddler. By contrast, that family will get $95 a week with Labour’s Families Package, while English and Joyce get nothing.
“National’s tax cuts shell out $400m a year to the top 10 per cent of earners, more than the bottom 60 per cent combined. Labour’s Families Package delivers more to families while costing less, so that we have over $2 billion more available over four years for investing in houses, hospitals, schools, and other priorities. It’s the right thing to do at this time after nine years of National’s neglect,” says Grant Robertson.