Labour’s plan the answer to motorway chaos
Phil Twyford
MP for Te Atatū
Auckland Issues
7 August 2017
Labour’s plan the answer to motorway chaos
Labour’s plan to build a light rail network and improve heavy rail and bus services across Auckland is the only answer to the kind of motorway congestion Aucklanders endured this morning, says Labour Transport spokesperson Phil Twyford.
“We need to complement our motorways with a congestion-free public transport network that will take the pressure off the roads. A light rail line can carry as many people as four lanes of motorway in each direction.*
“Aucklanders are paying the cost of doing nothing already – in time and lost productivity. Let’s fix it by starting a light rail network now.
“A world-class city needs a world-class, 21st Century transport network. Labour’s plan is a game-changer. It will reduce the massive congestion costs Auckland.
“If we wait, we will have more and more mornings where the motorway network grinds to a halt. If we act now, if we invest for our future, we can fix this,” says Phil Twyford.
*Note: a motorway
lane has a capacity of about 2,000 cars an hour before
jamming. Average occupancy is 1.5 people per car. So, a
motorway lane can carry about 3,000 people per hour.
Auckland Transport says light rail could carry up to 12,000
people an hour in each direction.