Joyce Must Apologise for Attack on Labour’s Fiscal Plan
Steven Joyce must apologise to New Zealand
Steven Joyce needs to front up to New Zealanders and apologise for his patently false and cynical attack on Labour’s Fiscal Plan, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson Grant Robertson.
“Every respected economic commentator has come out and said that Labour’s Fiscal Plan adds up.
“Labour’s plan has been independently audited, it’s responsible and it allows us to make essential investments in health, housing, education and police.
“Steven Joyce has made very specific allegations which have now been debunked. He has actively misled New Zealanders in a desperate and disingenuous hit job, and owes them an apology.
“He actually needs to be upfront with New Zealanders about his plans. National is now saying that there definitely will be a second families package, just two weeks after saying it would only happen ‘if fiscal conditions allow’.
“There are no details about this package and no money to pay for it.
“Labour has been clear, open and transparent. Our Fiscal Plan shows how much we’ll invest in much-needed health, housing and education in coming years; it commits to restarting contributions to the NZ Superannuation Fund; and it runs operating surpluses.
“It has been assessed by independent economists BERL who have publically defended the numbers within the plan.
“Mr Joyce needs to ditch the dirty politics, stop the stunts, and debate the issues fairly and squarely,” says Grant Robertson.