Young Labour Incident: Has Obstruction of Justice Occurred
Press statement Young Labour Incident: Has Obstruction of Justice
Taken Place?
David Seymour - ACT
The Labour Party has relied on reviews for every real and imagined problem it faces, from housing to education to mental health, however using a review to duck responsibility for the Young Labour scandal is a new low. The questions it needs to ask are actually very simple ones:
Who knew about the alleged incidents that took place at the Young Labour camp and when did they know them?
Did they follow the law in dealing with those allegations?
Did they discourage young people from approaching Police?
These questions are of critical importance. There is no need for a review, Jacinda Ardern should be a leader and demand answers to these questions.
If the Prime Minister or Andrew Kirton are aware that those who knew about these allegations prevented them from coming to light, those individuals must be referred to Police so they can be investigated for obstruction of justice”, says Mr Seymour.