Parliament: Oral Questions - 10 September 2019
Oral Questions - 10 September 2019
Questions to Ministers
1. Dr DUNCAN WEBB to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he seen on the New Zealand economy?
2. Hon SIMON BRIDGES to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by all her Government’s statements, policies, and actions?
3. Hon SIMON BRIDGES to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by all her Government’s statements, policies, and actions?
4. Dr LIZ CRAIG to the Minister of Health: What recent announcements has the Government made around improving mental health support for New Zealanders?
5. Hon PAULA BENNETT to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by her statement that “On … the difficult issues, the hard issues, we will be there, we are there in those conversations”?
6. Hon PAUL GOLDSMITH to the Minister of Finance: Does he have a clear idea of the costs of major Government policies and is he confident New Zealanders are getting good value for money from major Government spending initiatives?
7. JENNY MARCROFT to the Minister for Regional Economic Development: What recent Provincial Growth Fund announcements have been made?
8. KIERAN McANULTY to the Minister for the Environment: What are the main proposals in the Essential Freshwater announcement, and was there a consensus amongst the advisory groups advising the Government?
9. Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE to the Minister of Health: What proportion of the increased funding for medicines announced at the launch of the interim cancer action plan will be used to purchase cancer drugs?
10. RINO TIRIKATENE to the Minister for Māori Development: He aha ngā whainga a te Kāwanatanga e pā ana ki te Reo Māori?
Translation: What are the Government’s goals for Māori
11. Hon SCOTT SIMPSON to the Minister for the
Environment: Does he stand by all of his statements,
policies, and actions?
12. TODD MULLER to the Minister of Agriculture: Does he stand by his statement in regard to the Government’s proposed new water policy, that it will cost “One to two percent … of gross revenue, in my estimation”; if so, has he seen any economic analysis that confirms or rejects this estimate?