Response to Spin-off allegations
Rt Hon Winston Peters
Leader of New
Zealand First
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters
today scoffed at suggestions that a team of six political
operatives have been dispatched to New Zealand to assist his
‘As President Ronald Reagan once said, ‘there they go again.’
‘The clickbait journos can’t help themselves.
‘Not only have I not hired such a crew but it is impossible to see how they would even gain entry into the country, stated Mr Peters.
‘The click bait author of this latest piece of fantasy, aided as always by rent-a-quote academic Andrew Geddis, even imply that our press release attacking the woeful historical ignorance of the woke pull-down-statues crowd on June 12 is somehow evidence of Mr Banks’ influence.
‘Well, there is a very disappointed NZF staffer who wrote that press release, all on their own, said Mr Peters.
‘What is amusing is that the click bait crowd only ever focus on New Zealand First, the equivalent, in our party system, of attacking the corner dairy of New Zealand democracy while leaving the heavily compromised supermarket untouched.
The party will make no further comment on this rubbish, ended Mr Peters.