Green Party Announce Dr. Chrys Horn As Candidate For Christchurch Central
The Green Party are announcing Dr. Chrys Horn as their candidate for Christchurch Central.
Chrys is a social scientist and community worker. She is passionate about working with communities to help them look after their local environment and each other, and to help them adapt to environmental shocks and change.
Chrys said:
“I’m really excited to be representing the Green Party in Central Christchurch and look forward to talking about the importance of a Green presence in parliament. It is so important that we reset and reimagine our communities in a way that ensures all of us and our planet can thrive.
“Going back to business as usual is not an option. We must step up as a country. We must move to a clean energy future, develop great active and public transport options in our city. We must protect the natural systems that support our collective wellbeing including treasuring our water resources, and we must ensure that all people in New Zealand have access to what they need to thrive and contribute to our future. Only the Green Party has the vision and plan to meet all these challenges.”
“I will be working hard to have more Greens in parliament, so that we can achieve even more in our next term in government.”