Good Employer Awards Celebrate Food And Fibre Sector
The food and fibre sector acknowledged its people and leadership at last night’s 2022 Primary Industries Good Employer Awards, a time to celebrate their passion towards supporting employees by putting their health, welfare and wellbeing first,” Acting Minister of Agriculture Meka Whairiti said.
“Award winners were selected from an extraordinary group of finalists across the food and fibre sector, including wine, dairy, horticulture, forestry, apiculture, and fisheries,” Meka Whaitiri said.

“They know the success of their businesses is a direct result of their people, and if their people thrive, so to do their businesses.
Good Employer Awards were received by:
· Raglan Food Co (Employee Development Award & overall Supreme Award)
· Align Farms Limited (Safe and Healthy Work Environment Award)
· Sealord Group Limited (Inclusive and Diverse Workplace Award)
· Stefan and Annalize du Plessis of Mosa Farming Ltd (Small Business Recognition Award)
· Wini and Simon Geddes of Tāne Mahuta NZ Ltd (Māori Agribusiness Award).
Forestry Minister Stuart Nash said the awards were an opportunity to recognise and celebrate exemplary employers throughout Aotearoa.
“I’d like to congratulate the Awards recipients, the finalists, and all of the entrants in this year’s awards,” said Stuart Nash.
“They continue to provide workplaces that support and nurture their people, and the right environments and conditions to drive their success.
“The employers recognised are role models for the 367,000 people who work in our food and fibre sector. They should be incredibly proud.”
Associate Agriculture Minister Meka Whaitiri said the importance of caring and supporting employees has come to the fore throughout the pandemic.
“The pandemic has emphasised the importance of caring for our people and ensuring the right support is in place.
“Our food and fibre sector is leading Aotearoa’s economic recovery from COVID-19, with export revenue expected to hit a record $52.2 billion in the year to 30 June 2022.
“Fostering and maintaining an engaged and capable workforce is crucial to this success,” she said.
Damien O’Connor said the employers at the Good Employer Awards showcased our food and fibre sector as a vibrant and inclusive area, where people could thrive, nurture their skills and build life-long careers.
“I’d like to thank all of our entrants, finalists and awards recipients for the crucial role they play in leading and championing exemplary and progressive employment practices, and healthy workplaces.”
Now in their third year, the Awards are run by the Ministry for Primary Industries and Agricultural and Marketing Research and Development Trust (AGMARDT) to celebrate employers who put their people at the heart of their businesses.
More information about the awards recipients is available at