Deputy Leader Kelvin Davis Labour Party Conference Speech
Davis Labour Party Deputy
Leader I often refer to, and draw inspiration
from, our tupuna, and when I reflect on the last few years
the words of a famous Ngapuhi chief Te Ruki Kawiti come to
mind. In 1846 during the battle of Ruapekapeka in the
northern wars while under constant attack and bombardment he
urged and inspired his whānau, his supporters, his allies,
his people, with one particular line “He kino whakairo
ahau e hurihia ki te toki mata iti”. This literally
translated means, “I would be a poor carving indeed if I
flinched at the tap of a chisel,” or to put those words
into today’s context, “We cannot yield to the challenges
that confront us.” Te Ruki Kawiti was fighting for
his whānau, his hapū, his future. He was fighting
for his children’s children. And there are plenty of
challenges that threaten a better future for our whānau,
our supporters, our allies, our Realm countries, our Pacific
neighbours, our people. Those challenges threaten a
better future for our children’s children. As the
latest Air NZ safety message tells us, “we don’t inherit
this world, we only borrow it from our mokopuna.” To
me the purpose of being in politics is to make a difference,
not just in the here and now, but for the future. But
the opposition parties in parliament right now threaten that
future. For those parties the sole purpose of being in
power…is to be in power. We had nine years of the
previous government that muddled along, not doing much of
this, not doing much of that. They existed to be in
government…not to govern. And in doing so left us to
address the challenges they ignored and left in their
wake. Challenges such as a failing health system with
a decade of underfunding of our primary and mental health
services and infrastructure. A housing crisis that we
are turning around, as well as chronic infrastructure
weaknesses and low productivity. That is not how this
government operates. Making tough decisions…is
tough. Change is hard. It’s confronting. A
challenge that isn’t challenging is simply … the status
quo. And the status quo doesn’t work. And for
the big issues this government is tackling, the status quo
will hurt our future most. Our children’s
children. Much like Te Ruki Kawiti we know that it is
us that needs to stand up and not flinch at the tap of a
chisel. Let’s take climate change. This
generation’s nuclear moment. Recently in the Far
North, and in other parts of the country, we experienced a
once in a hundred year weather event. The fact that it
came just two years after the last, once in a hundred year
weather event, is easily overlooked, as if it was an
isolated event. But it wasn’t an isolated event. The
extreme weather patterns we see now where we swing from
floods to droughts every six months is just that. A
well-established pattern. Calling something a once in
a hundred year weather event has become
meaningless. Because these events are now happening
every year. We’ve been badly affected up north. The
Mangamuka Gorge which is the main route to the Far North has
closed yet again. There are about 19 slips in a 13 km
stretch of road. The road had just been reopened after
it took 12 months to fix the last lot of slips. Now
it’s closed again. For how long we don’t yet
know. The opposition say it is a result of under
investment in the roading network. It’s not.
Patching up slips is not going to patch up the
climate. It’s the result of more and more extreme
weather events caused by climate change. This road
closure now means the fastest route north takes over a half
an hour longer, driving up costs to households and
businesses. Northerners are frustrated. And it is
costing us all. With just this one example, which is
multiplied across the whole country, not to mention around
the world, we can see and feel: - the financial costs
of climate change. - the costs to
productivity. - the infrastructure costs. - the
health costs. - the mental health costs This is
where we feel the impact of climate change in real
time. This is not an experiment. This is not a
drill. This is not a rehearsal. This is
real. This is where climate change stops being a
theory and has become our reality. But it is not
surprising National ignored it, left climate change issues
in their wake and now criticise the decisions we make to
address their failure. This government has started to
tackle climate change in tangible ways. We must use
the criticism we have received as motivation. - Where
the opposition feared to tread we must go. - Where the
opposition hid, we must be seen. - Where the
opposition wavered we must be resolute. - Where they
retreated we must progress. Fear can be contagious, so
we can’t let the opposition’s fear stop us from acting
on the tough issues. We must draw on the same inner
strength and courage that Te Ruki Kawiti did when he was
under constant attack and bombardment, and his whānau, his
supporters, his allies and his children’s children were
under threat. So where did National hide, waver and
retreat? Here’s just a few areas: housing, health,
infrastructure, jobs, apprenticeships, child poverty and of
course climate change. But this government is being
resolute and making progress. Let’s take housing.
This week Peeni Henare announced yet further investment to
partner with Te Pouahi o Te Tai Tokerau to build another 100
houses up north, to add to the 10,037 public houses built by
this government on top of the record 41,700 private homes
built in the year to June 2022. Let’s look at
Employment and Training. More than 215,000 people have taken
up free apprenticeships and targeted trades
training. What about infrastructure? National left
schools and hospitals to be run down. We stepped up to fix
the challenges they retreated from with $3.6 billion in
schools and $1.5 billion in capital investment in
Health. How about child poverty? We’ve
invested in wages and lifted 66,000 children out of
poverty. That’s the sort of decision making and
investment National hid from. This government takes a
stand where it counts and I’m proud of that. This
government will always face criticism for our
decisions. Our courage will be criticised. But
courageous we must be. We must not be worn down by
those who try to chip away at us with their insults…their
misinformation - their pettiness, and their lack of
courage. So let’s go back to climate change. The
climate is changing as a direct result of carbon
emissions. Our main sources of emissions are
agriculture and transport. We have worked with the
farming sector to enable them to reduce their own
emissions…but we’re accused by the opposition of
attacking farmers’ incomes. There is no
consideration of the fact that climate change itself has
attacked those farmers’ incomes. The government
budgets $530,000 a year to help farmers affected by extreme
weather events. However, the average annual spend over the
last 5 years has been just shy of $5 million. Recent
adverse events saw $4.5 million allocated for the Canterbury
floods, Buller and the top of the south island received
$200,000, another $200,000 went to various mayoral relief
funds. Between 2019 and 2021, $6 million went to farmers
affected by drought. The costs to farmers are already
here. Hiding in plain sight. But National
don’t want to solve the problem, they just want to
complain about the symptoms of the problem. This
government wants farmers to have long term prosperous
futures. But that requires courageous long term
focused decision making. Fixing symptoms won’t fix
the long term problem. What costs a farmer more?
Annual floods and droughts that devastate their farms and
livelihood or having to come up with a plan to reduce their
farm emissions? The opposition know we are right …
but will deny it, and attack us. We are being attacked
for doing the right thing. Those attacks I liken to
the tap of a chisel Te Ruki Kawiti referred to. To the
opposition being in power isn’t about addressing the big
issues … it’s about pandering to the electorate and
putting the tough stuff on the shelf for our children’s
children to deal with. We simply cannot afford to do
that. Michael Wood is being attacked for increasing
the numbers of electric vehicles coming into the country, as
if that’s a bad thing. In just five year per cent of
imports. Yet the opposition complain that New
Zealanders will be driving around in Teslas. They ignore the
570 per cent increase in EV imports since 2017 and the 800
per cent rise in hybrids. The emissions of new
imported cars reduced by 15 per cent in just six months. A
reduction that had taken eight long years under
National. They fundamentally don’t see that we need
to act. This government is being criticised
for: - playing our part in reducing carbon
emissions, - for doing our part to slow climate
change, - for wanting this country and this planet to
be liveable for our children’s children. We have to
accept that being criticised for doing what’s right is the
price we pay - for doing what’s right. The
opposition tell us we only make up less than 1 per cent of
global emissions. Well I can confirm, here and now,
that we make up 100 per cent of our emissions and we must do
something about it, so we are. But what is the
opposition’s response to this? Pothole of the week.
Taking a photo of a pothole out by your mailbox is their
answer. Now, in my student days I used to work on the
roads in a tar sealing gang. People think politicians
have power, but I never experienced as much power as when I
held a stop/ go sign. I know a little bit about
potholes. In fact I used to fix potholes. Never
mind that the leading causes of road deterioration and
potholes are (1) weather events and (2) increased
traffic. The more severe the weather, the more
traffic, the more potholes. The first cause of
potholes is ignored by the opposition. The second
cause of potholes is encouraged by the opposition. If
the opposition are serious about fixing potholes, they need
to help fix climate change. The opposition is a group
of people suffering from small mind-itis, where the symptom
is the problem. No! We say that the problem is the
problem. So fix the problem. Do we really think
our children’s’ children will say, “hey the world may
have burnt up, but thank god that pothole out front is
gone?” Do we really think our children’s children
will say, “coastal erosion may have meant our house fell
into the sea, but at least the road to the beach is
smooth.” Do we really think our children’s
children will say, “our farm may have washed away, but at
least the tar seal is intact?” So I have two
questions for the NZ Labour Party. To all of us
gathered here. To our delegates. To those of us who care
about the world we have borrowed from our mokopuna - two
very serious questions. And those questions
are; · If not now, then when? · If not us,
then who? If not now…do we just kick the big issues
down the road for our children’s children to mitigate,
adapt to, or die from? When is the right time to
expect that NZ does what is right? Is it now, or is it
when every farm is flooded or in a drought? Is it now,
or is it when every gorge is closed by slips? Is it
now, or is it when every coastal home has slid it into the
sea? Is it now or is it when every low lying pacific
nation is underwater? Is it now or is it when every
pothole has been filled? If not us then who? The
opposition who believe the answer to half the problems can
be solved by tax cuts? The opposition that believes
the answer to the other half of problems is to build a
road. Or the opposition whose sole purpose of being in
power…is to be in power. Let one thing be
known. Under Jacinda Ardern, Grant Robertson and our
MPs the Labour Party will do what is right. Right for
our whānau Right for our Realm Countries Right
for all New Zealanders but most of all Right for our
children’s children. What is the point of being in
government if we only fix the easy stuff and leave our
children’s children to inherit the mess? Hiding,
wavering, retreating from the tough issues would be easy.
But it is not the way of this Labour Party. We will
receive more taps from the chisels of the opposition and our
critics, but we cannot, we must not, waver in our belief
that what we are doing is right. What a poor carving
our country we would be if we were to flinch at the tap of
those chisels. We will return this world to our
children’s children, better than we received
it.Speech notes to Labour Party