Pay Equity Settlement For School Librarians And Science Technicians Reached
Hon Jan Tinetti
Minister of Education
The Government is recognising the important work of school librarians, library assistants and science technicians with a historic pay equity settlement signed today, Minister of Education Jan Tinetti said
The settlement includes pay increases of up to 40 percent, covering more than 1,200 librarians and library assistants and around 400 science technicians.
“For school librarians and library assistants, the new pay equity rates will see them receive average pay increases of approximately 10 to 38 percent. And for science technicians, they will see pay increases ranging from 20 to 40 percent,” Jan Tinetti said.
“Perhaps even more important is the message this settlement sends when you look beyond pay, as it raises the mana of these roles.
“As a former teacher and principal, I know first-hand how important librarians, library assistants and science technicians play in their schools and kura. Now, they will see their work recognised and valued beyond the school grounds.
“To everyone who benefits from this settlement – congratulations on the well-deserved recognition.
“These are the fifth and sixth pay equity settlements reached in the education sector and across workforces in Aotearoa New Zealand. School administrators and kaiārahi i te reo reached pay equity settlements in July last year, following settlements for education support workers and teacher aides in recent years.
“As Minister of Education and Minister for Women, I, and the Government, firmly support the principles and objectives of pay equity. We are also proud to be progressing a number of initiatives aimed at enhancing the position of women in Aotearoa New Zealand, not just through pay equity.
“I would also like to commend NZEI Te Riu Roa on the integrity with which they have approached investigating and negotiating these claims. I have no doubt that your delegates are proud of the outcomes they have achieved,” Jan Tinetti said.