Green Party Will Guarantee Every Student An Allowance Of $385 Per Week
The Green Party will guarantee every student has an income of at least $385 per week - and it will be paid for with a fair tax system.
“Political decisions have forced students into a situation where they regularly cannot afford food, rent, or basic health care. This wasn’t an accident and it can be fixed. Our Income Guarantee will mean no student will ever have to skip meals to make ends meet and can focus on their study,” says Greens Co-leader James Shaw.
In July 2022, the Green Party in collaboration with NZUSA, Te Mana Ākonga, Tauira Pasifika and the National Disabled Students' Association and more than 30 student unions released the findings of the People’s Inquiry into Student Wellbeing.
“The findings of the student wellbeing inquiry Chlöe Swarbrick helped lead were grim, but not surprising. Thousands of students all across the country are living in poverty, with many having to skip meals just to make ends meet.
“Two-thirds of students regularly do not have enough money to buy food, clothing, pay bills, get health care or other basics. Students who rent spend, on average, 56% of their income on mostly damp, cold flats, nearly double the internationally accepted standard of affordability of 30%.
“Right now, students are experiencing conditions that are significantly more difficult than even ten years ago. It does not have to be this way.
“Our Income Guarantee will ensure every student receives a universal student allowance of $385 per week. Whatever they are studying, whatever level they’re studying it at, and no matter how old they are or how much their parents earn.
“The Income Guarantee for students will be fully individualised, so anyone studying or retraining can continue to get the support they need even if they have a partner who works.
“We will also introduce a tax-free threshold so students won’t pay any tax on the first $10,000 of any money they earn, so when you work a part time job and study - you will have more money in your backpocket.
“Aotearoa is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. We have enough to go around. All we need is the political courage to use it,” says James Shaw.