Vote With Your Values - Too Much At Risk From National’s Cuts
Every New Zealander under the age of 44 will be $100 a fortnight worse off from increase in age of superannuation
- $2 billion in cuts to lowest income households – sending more kids into poverty
- Over 300 mega landlords set to benefit from $1 million in tax cuts
- New evidence suggests Chinese buyers won’t be able to be taxed on house purchases, blowing revenue estimates out of the water
Labour leader Chris Hipkins is urging New Zealanders to vote with their values on the final two days of polling and party vote Labour to protect what matters to them and their families.
“There is too much at risk from the cuts proposed by National. In the past 24 hours more massive problems have been highlighted with a number of National’s policies that mean if Christopher Luxon wins, New Zealanders will lose,” Chris Hipkins said.
“If there is a change of Government there will be consequences.
"New analysis shows every New Zealander under the age of 44 will need to save $100 a fortnight to make up for the over $100,000 they will be worse off as a result of National’s superannuation changes.
“National are robbing young New Zealanders of their superannuation entitlements.
“Disability and sickness beneficiaries, families of children in poverty and the most vulnerable New Zealanders will be worse off under National’s plans to cut $2 billion from benefits to pay for million dollar tax breaks for mega landlords.
“National’s moral compass is broken if they think more children living in poverty is how you should pay for tax cuts for millionaires. But then that’s no surprise for someone who calls the most vulnerable New Zealanders ‘bottom feeders’.
“National are cutting support for the most vulnerable because their tax plan doesn’t add up.
“Everyone knows there’s no way they will raise the revenue they think from allowing foreign buyers back in the market.
“Despite Nicola Willis being steadfast that Chinese buyers would definitely be able to be taxed under the plans, National’s tax advisor has described this part of the plan as ‘dancing on the heads of pins’ as to whether it might work or not.
“It is quite clear that Christopher Luxon and Nicola Willis have over-egged the advice they’ve got about whether their plan might work. Their desire to sell $5 billion of Kiwi property to foreigners each year doesn’t add up. That will mean deeper cuts to the services Kiwis rely on.
“The 2 million New Zealanders who haven’t voted still have the chance to decide this election.
“We are seeing a surge in support because New Zealanders can see what’s at risk. So my message is vote with your values. Party Vote Labour,” Chris Hipkins said.