Majority Say No To Govt’s Maōri Wards Bill
The National-led government has taken away the choice of councils with the passing of Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill.
“The National-led Government has just passed legislation that the majority of local councils do not want and is forcing them to have referendums they don’t want to pay for,” Labour local government spokesperson Kieran McAnulty said.
“If the Government was levelling the playing field like they say they are, they would propose referendums for all types of wards, but they’re not. If they were truly concerned about ‘one person one vote’ they would change the rules so that people who own multiple homes don’t get to vote more than once, but they’re not. All they’re focused on is Māori wards. It’s a bloody disgrace.
“This Bill has shown this government’s true self and true agenda. They have deliberately chosen to make our country a more divisive place, with Simeon Brown confirming he is making the changes solely based on race.
“These wards were always the choice of local councils, but the Minister has taken away their voice.
“They’ve taken away the ability of councils to make their own decisions and left ratepayers footing massive bills for water infrastructure. Simeon Brown is totally out of touch with local communities and real people.
“This is an utterly shameful bill that local councils do not want. Majority of Select Committee submissions were in support of keeping the wards as they are. But Simeon Brown has turned a deaf ear to push his own political agenda,” Kieran McAnulty said.