Police Minister Fails, Coalition Agreement Broken
Mark Mitchell’s promise is down the gurgler today as it was revealed by officials police numbers will not grow by 500 until 2026.
“Mark Mitchell made promises with a forked tongue, swearing he would increase police numbers by at least 500 by November 2025. Today, officials have revealed the number won’t be met until at least mid-2026,” said Labour police spokesperson Ginny Andersen.
“Mark Mitchell famously flip flopped on this number, confusing the public with messy sums, but the truth of his hollow promise has been revealed.
“During the police annual review, officials admitted that they were trying to meet the target of two years from 27 November 2023 (2025) – but they would only manage to have a wing of the 500 recruits graduate by 30 June 2026.
“Perhaps if Mark Mitchell had the support of his government to pay police fairly, he wouldn’t be in this predicament and the public would feel safer.
“Police also admitted the new Federal St police station will be funded through money that was originally allocated to equip the 500recruits with vehicles and body armour.
“The coalition relationship is under increasing strain as the list of broken promises just continues to grow. New Zealand deserves to be given straight answers, not this circus,” said Ginny Andersen.