Minerals Strategy Will Make New Zealand Richer, So Long As Banks Come To The Table
“The Resource Minister's launch of a national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List delivers on an ACT coalition commitment, and is a major step towards a more prosperous New Zealand,” says ACT’s Energy and Resources spokesperson Simon Court.
“Taking full advantage of the mineral resources at our disposal will boost foreign investment, create high-paying jobs, and offer hope to young people looking to remain in New Zealand for work and family.
“First-world lifestyles require minerals, something ignored by virtue signalling politicians across the aisle. New Zealand is rich in critical minerals used in mobile phones, steel production, and medical technology – it’s time to stop dithering and start drilling.
“Pro-mining policies mean more royalties for the Crown to fund healthcare, infrastructure, and essential public services. That should be welcomed across the political spectrum.
“The Minister rightly points out that the success of mining faces barriers from the banking sector. Corporate climate activism is choking off credit to the very industries that drive our economy. Some of this wokery is driven by regulation, such as the Financial Market Authority's unnecessary climate reporting requirements. There's also the influence of the Net Zero Banking Alliance, which our banks have joined via their parent companies.
“Regardless, woke banking needs to stop. Denying credit to mining projects is counter-productive for our climate goals. The Emissions Trading Scheme already sets a price on carbon, so why do we force institutions to spend time producing reports that no-one but activists read, yet are used to beat up on banks, farmers and fuel suppliers?"