Tamatha Paul Needs To Talk To Normal People
ACT Police spokesperson Todd Stephenson is calling on Green MP Tamatha Paul to host a public meeting on law and order in her electorate to find out what normal people think about the Police.
At an event promoting – in her own words – ‘radical police abolition’, Paul recently stated:
‘Wellington people do not want to see police officers everywhere, and, for a lot of people, it makes them feel less safe. It’s that constant visual presence that tells you that you might not be safe there, if there’s heaps of cops.'
‘All they do is walk around all day, waiting for homeless people to leave their spot, packing their stuff up and throwing it in the bin.’
“It’s easy to be anti-Police, until you need to call them yourself,” says Mr Stephenson.
“Tamatha Paul has spent so much time hanging out with radical left-wing student groups that she’s got law and order completely backwards. It’s criminals who are the problem, not the Police who catch them.
“Tamatha Paul is the MP for Wellington Central, but she clearly hasn’t spent much time listening to her constituents, who are regularly victimised by crimes and need help from Police. Last year in Wellington City, there were 1,413 assaults, 124 sexual assaults, six abductions, and 1,804 burglaries.*
“If she’s serious about her law and order portfolios, she should host a public meeting in her electorate and hear what normal people – including victims of crime – think about the Police.”
*Police Crime Snapshot, 1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2024