Labour And Greens In Lockstep On Law And Order
The Labour Party may call Tamatha Paul’s comments stupid, but Labour votes the exact same way as the Greens when it comes to law and order, National Justice spokesperson Paul Goldsmith says.
“While Labour tries to create distance with the Greens on law and order, their voting record reveals just how aligned they are in being soft on crime.
“Labour and the Greens joined forces to vote against tougher sentences for violent criminals, reinstating Three Strikes, banning gang patches and giving Police the power to conduct warrantless searches on gang members.
“Unfathomably, they both also share in their opposition to Firearms Prohibition Orders, which back our Police to take guns off gangs.
“He can try to talk tough but the Labour leader has the same voting record as Tamatha Paul on law and order – a record softer than a wet sponge.
“This Government is making significant progress on restoring law and order. Violent crime is down and Kiwis can feel safer in their homes and communities. Labour and the Greens’ weak approach puts that all at risk.”