Labour Backs Farmers’ Call For Better Process On GE
Labour shares farmers’ concerns that the Gene Technology Bill is moving too fast.
“Fonterra, Beef + Lamb and Dairy NZ have all raised concerns about the Bill’s process, but they have fallen on deaf ears,” Labour agriculture spokesperson Jo Luxton said.
“Government members of the select committee recently blocked a call from these groups – as well as the New Zealand Meat Industry Association and the Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand – for an extension to public consultation.
“New Zealand trades on its reputation of being clean and green, and public sentiment in the past has not been in favour of increasing genetic engineering, particularly for crops. While Labour supports the creation of new technologies to make farming greener and more efficient, rushing this process could prove detrimental.
“The Government must slow down and listen to farmers,” Jo Luxton said.
“Farmers have rightly raised concerns about the consultation process and speed at which this Bill is progressing. Rushing it could put New Zealand’s reputation at risk,” Labour trade spokesperson Damien O’Connor said.
“I’m yet to see any comprehensive cost-benefit analysis for this Bill, and I am concerned that the Government hasn’t specifically investigated what it could mean for trade. I call on them to do this work and properly hear from the public before progressing it any further,” Damien O’Connor said.