MP Drafts Bill To End Race-based University Policies
ACT Tertiary Education spokesperson Dr Parmjeet Parmar has drafted a bill that would ensure universities do not allocate resources, benefits or opportunities based on race.
“This week I wrote to the Minister for Universities to raise concerns about allocation of resources toward students based on ethnicity. This includes special allowances, separate study spaces, scholarships, and course entrance pathways in fields like medicine,” says Dr Parmar.
“Last year, the Government issued a ‘need and value’ directive to public agencies instructing them to allocate support based on need, rather than ethnicity. But the directive didn’t apply to universities.
“Universities are independent but receive most of their funding from taxpayers, and they are protected from competition by legislation.
“I have drafted a bill that would effectively apply the need-not-race directive to the university sectors. ACT will continue to advocate for fair access to opportunities at university and I hope the Minister will consider my proposal.
“I also reiterated to the Minister concerns I have raised publicly about the University of Auckland’s new compulsory paper on the Treaty and indigenous knowledge. In ACT’s view, the compulsory nature of the course disrespects the time and financial investment made by students. Students deserve the chance to focus on areas relevant to their careers and personal interests. This is especially true for international students who are now forced to pay upwards of $5,000 for a course that will hold little value once they leave New Zealand.”
A copy of the draft Education and Training (Equal Treatment) Amendment Bill can be found here.