End Mainstreaming: Mauri Pacific's Policy
15th October 1999
For immediate release
Mauri Pacific would put an end to mainstreaming for Maori and set up independent funding agencies to smart purchase programmes from Maori providers its Leader, Hon Tau Henare, said today.
"Mainstreaming doesn't work – the gap is still there," he said.
"The best people who know what Maori want is Maori themselves, so we'll be initiating a few changes with TPK to give Maori the opportunity to participate locally and nationally in decisions and policies that affect them."
Mauri Pacific will:
TPK's monitoring and policy advice role.
the Maori Development Commissions, but combine both the
Economic Development and Employment and Training
Contract the regional offices of TPK out to
Iwi/Maori authorities.
The commissions will
have the added function of a funding role and retain their
independence of TPK, but still be responsible to the
Minister of Maori Affairs.
Set up a Treaty
Education Office as an arm of TPK.
"This is not a huge commitment on any new government, it's realistic and meets the aspirations of Maori," said Mr Henare.
"By giving Maori control of policy advice at a local level they have a direct link in to the decisionmaking processes.
"Setting up autonomous Maori funding agencies completes the picture.
"This is consistent with our philosophy of by Maori, for Maori. If people seriously believe Labour has the answer then it was a stupid question to begin with," said Mr Henare.
Inquiries to Reuben Wharawhara,
Press Secretary: (04) 471 9170 or 025 477