Future Lefts - `Waitangi and Dentists'
Future Lefts
Monday 7 February, 2000
`Waitangi and
- Editorial: Waitangi today
and in the future.
- Dentistry fees cut in half
Some thoughts on the Labour-Green relationship
- The News
- the good weeks keep on rolling
- Web site of the
Editorial: Waitangi today and in the future.
Saturday saw the Prime Minister welcoming in the Chinese New Year at a large gathering in Auckland. It also saw a Vice-Regal party kept waiting in the `hot hot sun' for four hours, while Nga Puhi's internal problems were again displayed on the national stage. It also saw the leader of the opposition implying that the Prime Minister was `running away' from Waitangi. So I thought I'd have a wee think about the facts.
It's inevitable that as we develop as an ever more cosmopolitan nation, the concerns of Pakeha and Maori New Zealanders will have to share the stage more and more with those of other groups in our society. It was once the case that we were a bicultural nation - but we are no longer that. The two Treaty partners now live in a land that has people from all over the globe residing together in reasonable peace and harmony, in relatively prosperous and free conditions, in a fairly clean environment with an ever-deepening cultural milieu. This process of change is continuing, and it is irreversible.
Helen Clark's recognition of that dawning reality drove her decision not to be at Waitangi this weekend. And I support her in that decision 100%. The true difficulties Maori face cannot be addressed on a marae. They are not about whether Maori women can or cannot speak before the tapu is lifted. The problems faced by Maoridom are economic, and they are devastating in their severity and in the neglect that previous (especially National) governments have shown them.
Clark's decision to set up a Cabinet committee to deal at the highest level with Maori development issues shows she is not afraid of putting her career on the line over this issue. The risks are real, but in the Prime Minister's judgement the importance of dealing with those fundamental problems Maori face is worth the risk. And she's right, of course. Division will continue while the enormous gaps between Maori and Pakeha economic development remain. Dealing with those gaps is the most powerful tool the new Government has to work towards resolving the underlying racial tension which too often makes New Zealand a very ugly place.
Pakeha New Zealand - and the Government - can't change the way Maori think. Nor should they want to. But what Government and all of us can address are the economic challenges one of the Treaty partners faces. And doing that requires more courage, more skill, more vision and more humility than facing down any number of Titewhais :)
Dentistry fees cut in half!
The release below went out on Monday last. While it's a nice start for the Government to cut the fees of dentistry students, I am sure I speak for all Young Labour members when I say that everyone else's fees need to come down as soon as possible, too. The Government will be heading in the right direction (unlike the last one); the challenge is to make sure it happens as fast as possible.
31 January 2000
Govt cuts cost of dental study
The Government today announced that there would be major increases in subsidies for fees for dental education at Otago University this year.
Prime Minister Helen Clark and Associate Minister of Education Steve Maharey said that the high fees paid by dentistry students under the previous National Government had been a disgrace.
"Many potential students were deterred from studying dentistry because of the exorbitant costs.
"Tuition fees this year under the previous government were to be $20,264 for a Year Two dental student and $21,590 for Year Three to Five students.
"The Cabinet decided today to increase very significantly the subsidy paid to Otago University for the education of dental students.
"The subsidy will increase to a level which enables Otago University to offer dental students fees which are broadly in line with those paid by medical students. The fees are expected to be less than $10,000.
"The government has taken this decision on dental fees because of the injustice to dentistry students of the previous government's decision to increase their fees in 1994 radically.
"The decision today is in line with the determination of Labour and the Alliance to reduce the cost of study to tertiary students. It was a priority of both Labour's commitment card and of the Alliance's education policy.
"The Tertiary Education Commission, soon to be established, will begin the process of reviewing fee levels overall. We believe it is important, however, to address this particular gross injustice in order that students enrolling in dental school this year could do so on a much more reasonable fee level," Helen Clark said.
Some thoughts on the
Labour-Green relationship Craig Young
At present, there's an
undeniable rosy glow around the coalition, which has handled
its key issue of public sector accountability well.
Meanwhile, the Greens seem to be finding their feet. I
suspect most members of Young Labour support the proposed
Royal Commission into Genetic Engineering, native forest
logging bans, a more accountable intelligence service that
does not harass people who hold dissident views about trade
and foreign policy, curtailment of whaling, and other issues
of environmental concern. Unfortunately, there seems to be
one issue that does cause some friction- the anti-defection
bill. Labour and the Alliance believe that this legislation
is needed to insure greater democratic accountability and
representative government than existed within the last
parliament, where a government was maintained through
opportunists who defected from the parties that they were
elected to serve. In the case of Frank Grover and Alamein
Kopu, political prehensility occurred, and they did not even
maintain their alleged original centre-left allegiances.
It is uncertain whether National and ACT have any basis
for constructive opposition to this legislation. Do they
really want to be in a situation where National is reliant
on opportunist elements that may be erratic and
unpredictable, given the damage that occurred to its
credibility last time? Unfortunately, ACT's populism will
lead it to oppose this legislation without any forethought.
Why? It may end up giving the Nats an excuse not to deal
with ACT if we succeed in the consolidation of the "new
centre" over the next three years. The Greens are another
story. Their political culture tends to vacillate between
anarchic idealism and formal political structures- in their
own discourse, "realos" and "fundies." Fundies prefer direct
action to formal political debate, while realos adopt more
formalised party structures. At present, the realos are in
the ascendancy. Unfortunately, the Greens regard the
anti-defection bill as an attack on their own legitimacy.
Why? Unlike Grover and Kopu, at least Jeanette Fitzsimons
and Rod Donald had the personal integrity to stay with the
centre-left, and vote as part of that bloc. Moreover, they
did good strategic planning and captured issues like genetic
engineering and native forest logging for their own. They
deserved to win Coromandel, which had been neglected by
National's fundamentalist MP Graeme Lee for years, until he
left to form the Christian Democrats/Future New Zealand.
They also deserved to pass the five per cent threshold.
No-one sees them as interlopers or party-hoppers for that
reason. How have centre-left/green coalitions worked out
overseas? Of course, Germany has an SDP/Green governing
coalition at the moment. Tasmania had an ALP/Green coalition
during the eighties, but the Tasmanian Greens tended to be
fundie rather than realo. In the Australian Capital
Territory, Green Member of the Legislative Assembly Kerrie
Tucker does have a good working relationship with the A.C.T.
ALP. We need to adopt a conciliatory stance over the next
three years. The Greens may have realised that they might
have to take responsibility as part of a three-way coalition
in 2002. In the early nineties, Labour had "Green Labour"
branches. If they don't still exist, we should reinvent them
as forums for dialogue and cooperation between Labour
environmentalists and those within our coalition partner and
third party ally. Craig. -- The News - the good weeks
keep on rolling. Monday started off with the halving of
dentistry fees by the Government (and repetition of the
message that further, wider cuts are coming), bringing the
typical fee for a student doing dentistry at Otago down more
than $10,000 a year. This together with the institution of
interest free student loans marks the beginning of the
Government's commitment to reducing the barriers to tertiary
education participation - one of the seven pledge card
promises. Also this week was movement on another key plank
of Labour's policy - the reform of the health system to cut
waiting times and reduce bureaucracy in the system. It
brought laughable squeals from Creech, National's health
spokesperson, who claimed that the sector was sick of reform
and should be left in the state of perfection he'd achieved
before being turfed out at the election. While it's true
that the health system is in better shape in some ways than
in 1990, it went through a significantly worse patch in the
early 90's under rabid ideological restructuring. Labour's
assertion that community values are important in health will
be realised by the restoration of some elected
representation on health boards, and the decommercialisation
of the system as a whole. The changes aren't major, and
will be implemented quickly to minimise disruption to the
system as a whole. National's leader Jenny Shipley
admitted her party had come completely adrift from middle
New Zealand, with a massive slump in support from younger
New Zealanders [wonder if the Young Nats caused that with
nocrap?] and an ideological inflexibility the people simply
didn't want. She is instituting a policy review which
presumably will see National taking on as many of the
Government's policies as it can stomach. Why they think
people would vote for a `copy everyone else' party instead
of the real thing, ie. Labour, I don't know. And on a
darker note, the neo-fascist `Freedom Party' entered
Government in Austria. The outraged international reaction
to the fecund stupidity of the Austrian people in voting for
Nazi idiots is heartening. It is to be hoped that the world
never forgets the evils Hitler and others like him (Stalin,
Mao Zedong, Napoleon etc.) have committed, and continues to
condemn nations who start to lurch down that slippery
slope. -- Web site of the week - Republican
Movement The issue of a New Zealand republic is still
dormant for most people, but there are dedicated activists
out there raising the issue. http://www.republic.org.nz is a
site that's a positive contribution to the movement. Have a
look at the detailed information backgrounding why they
support a change to our Constitution, and have a think at
the same time. It's an issue that's coming, and it might
just spring up into debate without much warning at some
point. This site will make sure you know the republican
arguments. Till next week, Jordan -- All
submissions should be to the Editor at
carters@ihug.co.nz. While this newsletter is published in
the name of Young Labour, the contents is entirely the
responsibility of the Editor and the views expressed herein
do not necessarily constitute the official position of Young
Labour, the NZ Labour Party or any other
person/organisation. All contents copyright (c) 2000.
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