Hemp Freedom Will Get People Working - Libz
Press Release
For Immediate Release
Hemp Freedom Will Get People Working - Libz
"The recent discharging without conviction. in the Nelson court, of Motueka hemp advocate Stephen Burnett - because the fourteen industrial hemp plants he grew could not be classed as a psychoactive drug - strikes a note for commonsense," says a Libertarianz spokesman. "Our politicians should take note and adopt some commonsense themselves."
Richard Wiig, a Tasman orchardist, says Mr Burnett represents people who are champing at the bit to create a new, potentially lucrative, industry, but our politicians are holding the reins. "Is there any clearer example of the obstacle to wealth creation that politicians represent?" he asks.
"The current crop of politicians talk a great deal about how they want to create work for us all. Well, here is a chance for them to put their words into action. They should legalise hemp and recognise people's freedom to produce."
"That," says Wiig, "might show that they truly DO want to see people working."
For further information, please contact:
Richard Wiig Libertarianz Spokesman richardw@xtra.co.nz
Or contact Libertarianz Media Coordinator on (025) 861 927, e-mail: organon@ihug.co.nz
* LIBERTARIANZ * More Freedom * Less Government *
www.libertarianz.org.nz www.freeradical.co.nz