Waterfront Unions Flex Muscles
Get ready for strikes on Auckland's wharves on July 10, 11, 17 and 18.
The Waterfront Workers Union gave notice on June 23 it would strike on July 10 and 11 in pursuit of its contract negotiation claims. Last week, it added to this by giving notice of a further stoppage on July 17 and 18.
Geoff Vazey, chief executive of Ports of Auckland Ltd, says we can probably expect more strike notices.
"At this stage, it appears the union leadership is determined to take strike action, irrespective of our attempts to resolve the issues," Mr Vazey says. "It seems the union leaders plan a series of rolling stoppages to demonstrate their muscle."
On another issue, readers may remember the Importers Institute last month made a plea for trade unions not to boycott trade to and from Fiji. Our plea was ignored.
When asked about the legality of such a boycott, CTU president Ross Wilson made some inane comments about the boycott being legal under "international law".
when faced with a shipping company determined to sue because
of the blatant illegality of a political strike, the unions
backed down and called the boycott off after just one