The Fall Of The Dollar
Various political forces have been up in arms at the recent fall of the dollar, political parties like ACT and National are quick to alert us to how the downfall of the dollar represents a stagnant export economy that will see us dead in a matter of months.
It has been proven that New Zealand as a nation is importing more than it is exporting.
The key to strengthening the dollar is not to get the government to buy lots of NZ currency as the Australians are doing but to implement long term solutions that will see a boost in the New Zealand export industries.
For those that export the New Zealand Liberation Party will work closely with them to lighten the load on exporters, we will organise forums for the exporter to talk to us closely.
Because of this forum we will be able to be flexible in our approach to help exporters, we also reaffirm our support for free trade that will see New Zealanders equal with other nations in the global marketplace.
Scott Hutchings NZ Liberation Party Spokesperson for Commerce