Correctives: Stop Strange-Sect Marriages!!!
"The Corrective Party wants to stop this immorality in Parliament once and for all. The voters of this country never meant for MMP to mean Multiple Member Perversions - yet that is what happened during the first MMP Parliament!!!" said Sister Obiteria, legal spokesnun for the Corrective Party.
"We particularly want to stop the depravity of strange sect marriages!!! It should be a flogging offence for two political parties of loose morals to shack up for cheap convenience, just to ravish the electorate!!!" added Sister Obiteria.
"Why, in 1995, two men named Graeme and Graham entered such a strange-sect marriage, yet revealed that they were just shacking up, and would possibly split up once in Parliament!!! As matters stand, they did not get into Parliament, and the strange-sect marriage broke up. Such relationships are obviously unstable, and should be stopped by the Electoral Act!!!"
"We are not opposed to the fact that two men were involved, it is just that the Correctives stand for moralising in politics, and not wanton lusting after those parties with larger endowments, like a common scallop!!!" finished Sister Obiteria.
Contact: Sister Psychotica SM Spokesnun Corrective Party 06 3583609