Communist Revolutionary Action: Mad Cow Disease
Mad Cow Disease
Comrade Editor!!!
We, the glorious Communist Revolutionary Action Party, the New Zealand branch of the Fifth International (Marxist-Leninist-Harpo Thought, Retrenched), wish to comment on the Mad Cow Disease currently sweeping the Imperialist heartlands of Western Europe!!!
It is no secret that this condition is a legacy of Lady Marguerita Thatchula, who served as a carrier during her reign of infamy!!! And is it not the case that the Right Horrible Jennifer Mary Whipley has had unstable leadership lately? Is she not, so to speak, unsteady on her feet? And what of the Mad Preb-Dog?!?!!! Let us face it, conservative parties are a breeding ground for this illness, and given that they are usually frothing at the mouth over social welfare or industrial relations, no-one can tell the difference!!!
Can we tolerate their lifestyle disease any longer?
Contact: Comrade Mervyn A.R.X Trotweiler People's Republic of the Persiblingawatu 06 3583609/