CRAP: Australian Clone Scab Advert Labour Shock!!!
"Much to our horror, the Communist Revolutionary Action Party wishes to report that there is a New Zealand link to the recent Australian cloning scandal!!! It will be remembered that there was a fusion of pig and human that supposedly ceased to exist.
Well, we can now reveal it didn't. In fact, the result was an Even More Typical Australian. And we can confirm that yes, it found employment- in Lion Red adverts. Consider if you will, the disproportionately large mouth and hands, small beady eyes, and tiny brain. Now, isn't that sort of person familiar to any New Zealander who has been across the ditch?
This is obviously scab labour, just because the beer companies could not find a New Zealander of such low aesthetic and intellectual quality who consumes that much alcohol...deport them back to Australia at once!!" said Mervin A.R.X. Trotweiler, Chief Comrade of the Communist Revolutionary Action Party today.
Contact: Chief Comrade M.A.R.X. Trotweiler Communist Revolutionary Action Party (06) 3583609