Public Meeting On Local Govt. Interest Free Loans
NZ Banking Reform
April 30th 7.30pm
Connolly Hall, Guilford Tce (off Hill St), Thorndon, Wellington
Topic: Lower Your Rates by Dumping Debt
When faced with raising money for essential capital works like upgrading sewerage, why should Councils pay for expensive loans from overseas owned banks when our Reserve Bank can create this money interest free? Why are we paying more for our rates than we need to?
The Democratic Party has, and we understand the Alliance until recently used to have, a policy of low or zero interest rates on Reserve Bank loans for essential capital works. Is this new? No! It has been done before with great benefits to the country. In 1935 the First Labour Government created low interest loans for the building of state houses and for the Dairy Board.
This is local body election year. NZ Banking Reform says we need to restore this sane policy.
Nathan Goodhue How money is created
Councillor Stephanie Cook, Alliance Mayoral Candidate for Wellington
Heather Smith Democratic Party representative on Alliance Council
Lowell Manning - a case study of Kapiti District Council.
This meeting is being organised by NZ Banking Reform, PO Box 19-121, Wellington. Phone Coralie Leyland 385 2229 or Deirdre Kent 972 8852 for further information.
Gateway Lobbyskills Community Currencies
Phone/fax 0064 4 972 8852 (fax only works when I am home) (025) 203 0821, 972 8851 8 Highbury Cres, Highbury, Wellington