Age Concern Unhappy With Delays On NZ Super
Age Concern Unhappy With Delays On NZ Super Agreement
Age Concern is concerned over superannuation once again becoming a ‘political football’. “I believe that any party that follows the course of making superannuation a political football will pay heavily at the next election,” says Dave Henry, Age Concern national president.
“New Zealanders are sick of politicians using superannuation for their own ends, instead of working for the well-being of the people they represent. It is not only older people in New Zealand who want some security in this area but the young as well.
“The Labour Party plan is not ideal. There are some things in it that Age Concern is not entirely happy about. But for all its weaknesses, it seems to be the best we have seen,” Mr Henry said.
“The Labour scheme has been on the table for some considerable time. The vast majority of New Zealanders seem to be comfortable with it. We are convinced that it is time to get on, pass the legislation and set it in concrete. Then older people have the security they desperately need, and younger people know what they have to do to have a decent quality of life when they get older.
“Age Concern again calls on all political parties to reach consensus on this matter for the betterment of all New Zealanders, both young and old, by giving surety on the future of NZ Superannuation.”