Clark Handing Out The Hangi Pigs
"The Libertarianz Party believes a broadcasting service for New Zealanders of Maori descent is long overdue," said Larry Timberlake, the Party's Spokesman on the Deregulation of Broadcasting. "Ethnic minorities may already tune into programmes for Samoans, Tongans, Iranians, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, French, Germans and Italians. However unlike the proposed Maori channel, these services exist either because they are commercially sound or because of support from the target audiences.
It is profoundly regrettable that this latest attempt to establish Maori broadcasting comes at a cost of millions of dollars, to be paid by all taxpayers - and regardless of whether they have any desire for such programmes or not. Such a scheme is designed to engender resentment, not racial harmony. This is an election bribe payment by the Labour-Alliance Government which patronises Maori and perpetuates the myth that Maori can achieve nothing without the aid of Nanny State."
"If Labour is that desperate to stay in power, why don't they just hand out hangi pigs to each iwi that turns up at the polls?," Timberlake asks. "It would be less hypocritical and far better for the average taxpayer, who has to pay for these bribes."
"It's enough to make you vote Libertarianz!"