Deconstructionists And Strange Textual Practices
"The Corrective Party agrees with groups calling for the return of phonics to the classroom!!!" said Sister Paedophobia, education spokesnun for New Zealand's only corporal punishment party today.
The Correctives added that there should be a public investigation into shameless deconstructors who had their wicked way with educationalists and regarded all meaning as unstable:
"Some may regard deconstruction as nothing more than a harmless French pastime but we know better!!! Deconstructionists say that Kant should have intertextual liaisons (!!!) with the Marquis de Sade before he became an SM and BD priest!!! Plato and Aristole are depicted "at it" in "Dirty Post Cards!!!" Sister Paedophobia exclaimed tremulously.
"We don't know what it means but it all sounds filthy. Mind you, we also hope the phonics people will stop engaging in polysyllabics, because that is too!!!"
BD Spokesnun
Corrective Party