Mifepristone- Lay Off The Crib Notes, Please...
ALRANZ: Mifepristone- Lay Off The Crib Notes, Please...
"Right to Life New Zealand is to be commended for its ecological sensitivity and recycling of old American nostrums against mifepristone. However, its evidence is out of date." Craig Young, ALRANZ Research Officer commented today.
"Hoechst-Uclaff is no longer manufacuring mifepristone. It turned that responsibility over to Excelgyn some time ago. It is true that one woman died from a severe reaction to sulprostone, a supplementary prostaglandin that was replaced by misoprostol in all medical abortion procedures since then. Why can't Right to Life New Zealand come up with clinical objections to mifepristone? Because clinical data supports the case for mifepristone- that it is a safe and effective form of abortion procedure, that's why."
Contact: Craig Young
Research Officer
Law Reform
Association of New Zealand
(06) 3569099/
ALRANZ National Office
Box 28008