Cull Flocks of Shrill, Unpleasant Capons
Correctives: Cull Flocks of Shrill, Unpleasant Capons
"Capons appear to be breeding out of control. The Corrective Party is concerned that flocks of the large, unpleasant and stupid birds in question flock across the Tasman in shrill, ill-smelling flocks and emit their inane cries in New South Wales." Sister Herbivorous, Conservation spokesnun for the Corrective Party said today.
"These birds are giving New Zealanders a bad name and seem to converge on the River Frednile, a rather brackish and clogged stream near the New South Wales Parliament."
"Doc and the Department of Immigration should take a hand. We have quite enough stupid old turkeys, mad Aucklandian Prebbos and other wild life, especially in the vicinity of the Beehive. Capons should be stopped the next time they try to return to New Zealand.
Contact Sister Palpitatia Spokesnun The Corrective Party: Turning the Stomach