Mana Maori Considers Legal Action Against Govt.
Mana Maori Considers Legal Action Against Govt.
marginalized from GE Decision
Date: 28th Oct
Press Release
Mana Maori Political Party
The Mana Maori political party strongly oppose genetic engineering and are extremely concerned that the Crown are likely to reach the Treaty of Waitangi yet again.
The Crown has consistenty failed to take on board the anti GE views expressed to the Royal Commission by a large number of Maori as well as the viewpoints stated by their own Maori MPs.
Mana Maori believe that a moratorium is a soft option to the real option which is to be a GE-Free country.
Aotearoa has already been recognized by the international community to be at the forefront of leading the world to become nuclear free and this is the same stance that must be taken to ensure that this country remains a GE-Free nation.
Mana Maori also challenges the Greens and other parties in regard to their conservative position. They have failed to recognize that GE is a Treaty issue and have isolated and marginalized the voice of tangata whenua from the GE debate. The Mana Maori executive will await the outcomes of the Crown's decision this week.
If the decision clearly conflicts with the strongly held views which have already been expressed by many Maori then Mana Maori will seek the opinions of members on what type of actions are deemed appropriate to continue to challenge the Crown on this issue.
For further information:
Angeline Greensill (07) 846 1252 Ken Mair (06) 3425596 (021) 508 291