"We've never heard of Kate Sheppard" - ReACTionary
"We've never heard of Kate Sheppard" - ReACTionary ACT
"I am extremely happy to see that ACT is trying to join Young Labour in our effort to to put some fun into politics," said Jordan Carter, Young Labour President.
"ACT's analysis of the MPs in Young Labour's Fantasy Calendar adds a new and (mostly) humorous element to the calendar, which we've designed as a bit of light hearted fun.
"Sadly at times, ACT predictably descends into petty personal insults, particularly focused on the women and Maori MPs," said Jordan Carter.
"ACT also shows its lamentable research skills. Lianne Dalziel is of course dressed as the well known suffragist Kate Sheppard, and her image is printed for the month of September, which is when women got the vote in 1893.
"I'm not surprised that ACT politicians don't know who Kate Sheppard is. It's sad but predictable," said Jordan Carter.
"This is just more evidence of ACT's true nature: all show, and no substance. At least they were trying to be funny though - for once," Jordan Carter said.
Copies of the calendar can be ordered from www.younglabour.org.nz
President - NZ Young Labour
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