Judgement Day For Norml President Chris Fowlie
Friday 15th February Is Judgement Day For Norml President Chris Fowlie
NORML President Chris Fowlie, charged with possession of 0.7g of cannabis, is to appear again in the Auckland District Court this Friday, 15 February 2002, at 9:30am to hear the judgement of Justice Gittos, who reserved his decision last Friday.
Chris Fowlie said: "This is not about whether I had anything in my pockets but whether the police had any right to look in them. The Bill Of Rights Act guarantees all people freedom from unreasonable search and therefore we asked the court to exclude the evidence and throw out the charges."
This coming Friday at 9:30am will be Mr Fowlie's 5th appearance, at a cost to the taxpayer in excess of $10,000. Mr Fowlie faces a maximum of three months in jail and/or a $500 fine.
Some highlights of the trial last Friday: shifting the courtroom to a larger one because the first was too small to accommodate the crowd; Const. Hoshek stating police were conducting a "sweep" of the area and searching "groups of one or more"; Const. Pennington stating they approached Mr Fowlie because he was "looking at them" and asking Defence lawyer Peter Winter if he "had a problem with that"; Prosecutor Christine Scott accusing Mr Fowlie of being "an activist"; and the failure of the Police to either file or disclose appropriate reports.
Media and interested members of the public are invited to attend.
Auckland District Court, Albert St, Friday 15th February, 9:30am sharp
Contact Chris Fowlie: 025 2976843 His lawyer: Peter
Winter 09 3797658 or 0274 499987