Cantabrianic Crusade Against Octagonal Infidel
Correctives: Cantabrianic Crusade Against Octagonal Infidel Promised!!!
Sister Cantabrigansis, Little Sister of the Holy Red and Black Inquisition, expressed her outrage at Auckish slurs against the noble sons and daughters of the Blessed Province of Canterbury from Nationill leader Ill Dingbat:
"For shame, Mr. Dingbat!!! You will taste the cold blade of Cantabrianic wrath and they will smite your infidel Highlander-Mayonnaise team hip and thigh, hip and thigh I tell 'ee!!! Blow wind and crack 'er cheeks!!!" declaimed the Corrective Party's Minister for Cantabrianic Sporting Obsessions.
Tripitaka Adelie-Penguin went "waak waak waak!!!" She promised to bite Mr. Dingbat of the Nationills next time she saw him.
Contact: Sister
Matrix Dominatrix
The Corrective
Turning the Other Foot
(06) 3583609