1080 Reassessment
The reassessment of 1080 by ERMA provides a welcome opportunity to put all the facts on 1080 on the table, says Forest and Bird.
"Aerial 1080 is the most effective method for controlling possums in rugged and remote areas," says Eric Pyle, Forest and Bird's Conservation Manager. "It is the only tool standing in the way of widespread forest collapse caused by possum browsing."
New Zealand is between a rock and a hard place in terms of biodiversity management. "If we want to restore the dawn chorus and ensure that future generations can enjoy magnificent broadleaf forests we must reduce possum numbers. Aerial 1080 is the most efficient and effective tool we have in the armoury in the war against the possum," says Mr Pyle.
1080 breaks down rapidly in the environment. It does not bio accumulate. It is one of the safest pest control methods.
"This reassessment process provides an opportunity for all the facts to be looked at in a structured way," says Mr Pyle. "We welcome this".