Dairy InSight Makes Voting More Accessible
April 10 2002
When dairy farmers go to vote on the future of industry good funding in the dairy industry in May they will be able to do it via the Internet.
“We want the vote to be as accessible as possible and because Internet voting can be quicker and easier, it’s logical that it should be included as an option for dairy farmers when they vote in May,” says Peter Bodeker CEO of Dairy InSight.
“Farmers are increasingly using the Internet for information on everything from checking the weather to buying products on-line, so voting on important issues like industry good funding might just make it simpler and quicker for some – and we want to make the process as simple as possible,” says Mr Bodeker.
Dairy InSight is seeking a clear mandate from dairy farmers on continued funding for industry good activities in May.
“Companies that have used on-line voting have consistently reported bigger voting turn-outs and with approximately half of all farmers having access to the Internet it’s expected to be a popular option,” said Mr Bodeker.
Each farmer will be posted a voting form on 10 May, along with a personal PIN number and password for voting online. The forms may be mailed or faxed in the traditional way, or farmers can log into www.dairyinsight.co.nz to vote via the internet.
“To vote online, the process is simple. All dairy farmers will have to do is to follow the Ballot 2002 link and the instructions provided on that page to cast a vote. They will be asked to provide a PIN number and a password, so they should have those handy when they log in,” says Mr Bodeker.
Voting is open from 10 May to 31 May.
“We wanted to ensure there was a suitable period of time open for people to vote. We encourage farmers to talk to their partners, consultants and peers before voting,” says Mr Bodeker.
“Farmers are also invited to attend one of the farmer meetings being held by Dairy InSight in the lead up to the voting period during April and early May,” says Mr Bodeker.
“The dates of the meetings are being mailed to farmers next week with the Statement of Intent document, which details everything farmers need to know about the vote. They will also be advertised in local daily newspapers, dairy and rural publications and information is available on the website."