Global Support For Dolphin Campaign
WWF’s global campaign for strong protection for North Island Hector’s dolphins has resulted in thousands of emails to the Ministry of Fisheries, from all over the world, supporting emergency measures to protect them.
At last count, more than 5,000 emails had been sent over the ten days since the petition was launched on Saturday 6 April. The Ministry of Fisheries has told WWF that emails have now settled at about 500 a day.
“We are delighted there is such widespread support for protecting North Island Hector’s dolphins. It is a very well-subscribed email campaign by WWF’s international standards”, says WWF Conservation Director Chris Howe.
“The campaign has resulted in news stories from Spain to Russia to Canada. All this shows that the whole world is concerned about the fate of North Island Hector’s dolphins; they are part of a global heritage and the government must take strong and decisive action to protect them.”
“WWF is deeply disappointed that the announcement of new measures to protect North Island Hector’s dolphins, which was to have occurred in early May, has been put back to July at the earliest.”
“Once again WWF calls for immediate instatement of emergency measures under the Fisheries Act to close the dolphin’s range to all set netting. This would protect North Island Hector’s dolphins while consultation on the new measures takes place.”
“Taking emergency measures is the most responsible and precautionary action the government could take, and would demonstrate to the world New Zealand’s commitment to protecting this critically endangered animal.”
further information contact:
Chris Howe, Conservation
Director, WWF New Zealand. Tel: (04) 499-2930 Fax: (04)
To view the petition, please visit