J Day Sat 4 May 2002
Cannabis law reform activists in over 180 cities around
the world will join together on Saturday 4th May 2002 for
the largest ever celebration of cannabis.
The fifth annual international day of anti-prohibition activity is a political event intended to highlight the injustice associated with criminalising cannabis and to remember the many victims of prohibition.
Over 150,000 New Zealanders have been criminalised under cannabis prohibition for choosing a natural herb that is safer than alcohol or tobacco. Thirty people are arrested every day for possession of cannabis, and one of the latest has been Auckland J Day Event Organiser Mike Harding.
“Coming to J Day is about showing your support,” said NORML’s president Chris Fowlie from Amsterdam, where he is researching alternative drug policies through a grant provided by The Dominion newspaper. "It is only through ‘coming out’ and attending events such as J Day that politicians will get the message and finally change the law. Like other oppressed groups, the cannabis community are not demanding special treatment, but to be treated equally.”
J Day 2002 will be the largest ever celebration of the blooming cannabis culture, with rallies, protests and free concerts planned in over 180 cities around the world, including Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin in New Zealand.
Nandor Tanczos's Speech On "Clogging The Court System" Will Be Between 1-2 P.M.
J Day Auckland: Albert Park, from high noon till dark.
Speakers include Green M.P. Nandor Tanczos, Medical Marijuana Campaigner Greg Soar, Roaring Lion Ken Morgan and others.
Various Market Stalls including representatives from all major political parties.
Live Music Acts include Pip Harker, Cornerstone Roots Band and Rosalie Steward.
DJ's include Cian, Selecto, Grass Roots and Sensei.
Growers Ironman.
Contact: Mike Harding on 09 3025255.
PLUS over 180 more cities around the world, including Adelaide, Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, London, New York, Nimbin, Oslo, Paris, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver and Zagreb.
Thanks to our sponsors Cannabis Culture Magazine, The Hempstore Aotearoa, and The Switched On Gardener.
More information about J Day 2002 and archive material from previous J Days can be found on NORML’s website: http://www.norml.org.nz
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