Reefer Madness Or What?!
26 June 2002
"A Wise Man Can Change His Mind..."
NORML questions the voracity of Kapati Primary Principal's allegation against three of his pupils for dealing cannabis. In two days the number of offenders was reduced to one. Why? The remaining one is accused of supplying tinnies through the school fence.
Now the local community is in uproar.
Norml's first thought was that even primary school age kids aren't that stupid. Surely the kid with the tinnie comes from a disfunctional family, or has some other serious problem? Help is needed here, not expulsion. Read the signals.
Then Pauline Gardiner and Joy Quiggly appear. These ex National Party MPs were reasonable at the cannabis inqiry. Infact, Quiggly acompanied a school principal who made the lovely comment, "we all have to be part of the solution." Norml agrees.
But Norml cannot understand why the message has not sunk in that these problems are worsening now, under prohibition.
Then, suprise surprise! the Deputy Prime Minister piles in with a "war on drgs". NORML has heard this phrase before and it came out of America. It doesn't work there either.
NORML would like to reiterate, yet again, its policy that cannabis should be R18. We would like to join with Anderton in his determination to stamp out those who peddle drugs to underaged people.
Norml Auckland Coordinator Mike harding reflects, "I'm rminded of the 1981 Springbok tour: It split families. And once again people are shouting at each other out of the trenches and not listening,"
"In 1962 a 20 year old had access to only alcohol A 20 year old in 2002 has access to almost anything both legal and illegal. There are 150 psychoactive substances out there and probably many more we don't yet konw about," says Harding. "When will we start dealing with them openly?"
Norml remembers a remarkable politician who once made the statement: "A wise man can change his mind". Now we need the older males of our community to become wise and treat the cannabis issue seriosly. No more wacky backy, thankyou.
Mike Harding, Auckland Norml Coordinator
Jonathan Rennie, NORML News Chief Reporter
Ph. 09-3098653 or 09-3025255
PS. The 2011 Rugby World Cup :- we need the government to take an interest now, to make sure Aotearoa gets it.
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