Libz Clarify Coddington Position
In the interests of claritying an earlier statement by ACT liability Richard Prebble, Libertarianz leader Russell Watkins would like to point out that "ACT is the party that most closely represents ACT list candidate Deborah Coddington's views NOW." This is in contrast to Prebble's "ambiguous" pronouncement that 'she's now standing for ACT as the party that most closely represents her views.' "Her views, NOW!" repeats Watkins.
Watkins points out that even a random browsing of Coddington's statements since joining the Association of Compulsion Touters should clarify the issue for those in any doubt: "ACT's views (and Deborah's) are NOT those of the Libertarianz. Deborah is now a compulsion touter; Libertarianz are not!"
"Perhaps ACT should start pinching our policies and not just our people," says Watkins. "When that happens, we would be happy for the ACT leader to speak for us. Until then," says Watkins, "he can keep his ambiguities to himself."
It's enough to make
you vote Libertarianz!
For further information
please contact: Russell Watkins LIBERTARIANZ LEADER Ph: (07)
543 3136,