Painted Apple Moth Foray 48b Aerial Spraying
Sat, 24 Aug 2002
Press Release - Foray 48b Aerial
WASP (West Aucklanders Against Aerial
Helen Wiseman-Dare, Chairperson, WASP (West Aucklanders Against Aerial Spraying) said today that she was extremely concerned that MAF's Technical Advisory Group scientists, at their 16 August meeting, were pressing ahead with their proposal to government that aerial spraying of Foray 48B be carried out over 12,000 hectares and continue for the next 4 years.
This involves an increase of 15 times the current spray area of 900 hectares and would mean that some residents could be exposed to 48 sprays.
Ms Wiseman-Dare also expressed concern that MAF scientists were attempting to shorten the 3 week time period between sprays and were unhappy with the need for 2 week's public notification of each spray. MAF is preparing a paper to go to Cabinet on 9 September which includes a "Health Report".
Ms Wiseman-Dare says that this does not however, provide an updated Health Risk Assessment. The original one covered only 6-8 sprays. She also condemned MAF's refusal to provide a Community Impact Assessment to cover the full spectrum of effects being experienced by the community from the repeated sprayings.
Other areas of concern were that the spray used - Foray 48B, had been found by MAF scientists to persist in the environment for more than 11 days, in spite of repeated denials by MAF which has always claimed that the spray breaks down after 2 hours, after which time it is safe for people to leave their houses.
The ineffectiveness of the spray is another cause for concern, with less than 70% mortality being achieved and repeated finds in many sprayed areas.
Overseas, insects have been found to develop immunity to Btk, she said. She is also angry that MAF are refusing to even consider using pheromone trapping or treatments or even just an increase in trap density to replace spraying, which she says is having a devasting effect on the community's health and lives.
Helen Wiseman-Dare WASP Ph: 827 2516