The Eve of a New Era for Early Childhood Education
The Eve of a New Era for Early Childhood Education
Tomorrow's launch of the government's 10 year strategic plan for early childhood education signals a new era for the sector, Rose Cole, Chief Executive of Te Tari Puna Ora o Aotearoa/NZ Childcare Association said today.
"Contrary to what some minor pundits are saying, sector representatives have consistently advocated for greater government intervention in the sector to coordinate and improve resources".
"Most significant has been the support from the sector to increase the levels of qualified and registered early childhood teachers. Research clearly shows the qualification level of teachers in early childhood education services are key determinants of quality outcomes for young children".
"Parents would not find it acceptable to send their children to school to be taught by unqualified teachers, and yet some persist in promoting this scenario for the youngest, most vulnerable group in New Zealand".
"I encourage all MPs to collaborate as our diverse sector has, and join us tomorrow in celebrating the launch of this historic document" Mrs. Cole said.