Confederation of United Tribes Affirmed
Confederation of United Tribes Affirmed
the law can be pitched against the law”
- Te Kooti
Rkirangi Turuki
At the meeting of (Congress) at Waitangi (Northland) on the 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th of July 2002, the Sovereign & Independent United Tribes o Aotearoa (NZ) reaffirmed the “Aotearoa Declaration of Independence 1835”, “Te Tiriti O Waitangi 1840”, and all prerogative protectorate standing orders, Constitutions passed down by the Privy Council (U.K.) (Subjected to Tangata Whenua – Maori Nation assent & consent).
At the same meeting a Sovereign Tangata Whenua (Maori) Parliament was established (Mandated) under “Te Kotahitanga” (One Nation) with the legislative inclusion of Pakeha (British Subjects).
At the establishment of the Tangata Whenua (Maori) Parliament four sovereign resolutions (Acts of State) were moved and passed;
1st Resolution
“Seven representative (Governors)
for each Tribal (Waka) Districts is to be selected and
This resolution was actioned, passed &
2nd Resolution
“A Tangata Whenua (Maori)
governor general to be selected and appointed”;
resolution was actioned, passed & carried.
3rd Resolution
“A Tangata Whenua (Maori) Attorney General to
be selected and appointed”;
This resolution was actioned,
passed & carried.
4th Resolution
“That the NSW
(Australia) Parliament residing in Aotearoa (NZ) take their
leave and never to return”;
This resolution was actioned,
passed & carried.
On the 25th, 26th 27th 28th, of October 2002 (Maori Independence day) the Tangata Whenua (Maori) parliament will sit again to frame, adopt or continue laws of Economic, Educational & Social development.
More information of the above resolutions will be made available on Independence day and everyone all over Aotearoa and the world are encouraged to come along and witness this historical moment in our history.
A copy of the above resolutions have already been sent to the Queen of England and I must add; the sovereign Tangata Whenua parliament is ready to legalize & lawfulize the warrants not handed out by the Governor general to the ministers. (NZ herald 7-9-2002).
Further Inquiries: Ni Hake Phone:07 3129953,
Mobile 025 2493225 e-mail: