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National - what’s on where listings

National - what’s on where listings ****************************


~ 28 September - The national Day of Action to Stop the War on Iraq, organised jointly by the Stop the War Coalition (Britain) and the Muslim Association of Britain has become an international day of action with events in various countries, including here. Check out the article published today about the plans for the London rally at,,2-427285,00.html See local listings for Auckland, Napier and Wellington below.

~ 5 to 7 October - Pine Gap Protest! desert camp - national convergence on Pine Gap - major days of action being planned now - workshops - creative actions - music - give the land back to the Arrernte people! Pine Gap is a military spy base for the United States, it is located at Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. It has been there since the 1960s and has played a major role in many US military operations (including the Gulf War and the current 'War on Terror'). "It will be an integral part of the proposed US star wars system enabling the US to dominate and control space. Its very existence on Australian soil makes us complicit in the military strikes of America and makes us a nuclear target. We don't want it. Help us expose it and shut it down this October." For more info check out

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~ 6 October - World Wide Peace demonstration, on the day before the first anniversary of the start of the US bombing of Afghanistan; a call to gather in front of the US Embassy or Consulate in each country of the world at 12 noon (local time) to let the US government know what you think of their plan to wage a new war that could lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and many US troops, a war that makes a mockery of international law. Endorsed by US peace groups including: Global Action to Prevent War, Global Exchange, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Pax Christi, Peace Action, WAND and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. For more info check out

~ 15 October - World Rural Women's Day - suggested theme for activities this year is 'Claim your right to clean water', for more info check out

~ 24 October - United Nations Day - see local listings for Auckland below.

~ 26 October - Stop the war on Iraq before it starts! began as a national march on Washington on the first anniversary of the signing of the so-called Patriot Act; now an International day of Action. "As the Bush administration violates international law it has been systematically engaged in a campaign of division and repression in the United States including a wholesale assault on the Bill of Rights, institutionalisation of racial profiling, and aggregation of near dictatorial powers to the Executive branch. In articulating the so-called doctrine of preemptive war, the Bush administration is preparing to violate all existing international law and the UN charter which forbids countries to carry out war except in the case of self-defense. Preemption is merely a slogan to justify a foreign policy of armed aggression and military adventure." For more info check out

~ Ongoing - Veterans for Peace Iraq Water Project - which sends teams of veterans/activists into Iraq to renovate water treatment plants in protest at, and to assist alleviating the effects of, the sanctions - is looking for volunteers from other countries including NZ. If you are interested in helping or would like more information, please check out

*** NATIONAL ***

~ THURS, 3 to SAT, 6 October - Treaty 2002 conference, for anyone who already has at least a basic knowledge about Te Tiriti and wants to strategise with others towards a Treaty-based Aotearoa; at Nga Kete Wananga Marae, Manukau Institute of Technology. For more info or to register, check out

~ 3 Oct to 19 December - Mataku! a series of contemporary tales of the unexpected and unexplained, ordinary characters encounter mysterious phenomena of Mäori mythology, presented by Temuera Morrison; 9-30pm on Thursdays on TV3.

~ 15 October - deadline for contributions to the alternative NGO report on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, for more information please contact Pax Christi Aotearoa-New Zealand, tel / fax (09) 377 5541 or email

~ 31 October - Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand in 2002 - nominations for the 2002 Award close on 31 October. Roger Award nomination form and criteria are available on-line at

~ ongoing to 8 December - Taiawhio: continuity and change - celebrating the rich traditions of Maori visual culture, both customary and contemporary, at Te Papa (Wellington), for more details check out

***** LOCAL *****


~ SAT, 28 September - 'Stop the War on Iraq' protest march - with speakers including Rotem Dan Mor, Israeli conscientious objector who was jailed for refusing to continue to serve in the Israeli Defence Forces; assemble 12 noon, Queen Elizabeth Square then march to Aotea Square for a rally. Organised by Global Peace and Justice Auckland, For more info contact Mike Treen or John Minto

~ MON, 30 September - 'Some Reflections on Women’s Human Rights in the 21st Century', Dr Feride Acar (Vice-Chair, United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women - CEDAW) speaks at a public forum, 5-30pm for refreshments, 6pm for speaker, at St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby. Organised by the Human Rights Commission, please RSVP by 26 September if you're planning on going, to Bernadette Gleeson email or tel (09) 306 2653.

~ MON, 30 September - Action for Children and Youth Aotearoa AGM 2002, business followed by an update by Alison Blaiklock on the draft report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, light supper and refreshments will be served; 7pm at Orakei Marae (go to the end of Kupe Street, continue past the Health Centre on the left and through the gateway, veer right into the car park, the meeting room is in the building ahead). If you are planning on going, please RSVP by 23 September to Bettina Schempf (ACYA Secretary) email or tel (09) 271 3532.

~ MON, 7 October - 'Is democracy a ‘foreign flower’ in the Pacific?', David Robie, Pacific journalist and senior lecturer in Communication Studies at AUT and John Ondawame, of the Free Papua Movement, speak at the Global Peace and Justice Auckland October forum; 7-30pm at Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. For more info contact Mike Treen or John Minto

~ FRI, 11 October - first meeting of the International Women's Day Committee to plan and build for an event for IWD 2003, bring food to share, and suggestions for themes and activities, 6pm. For venue and more info, contact Janet email

~ ongoing to October 17 - Hiroshima-Nagasaki A-Bomb Exhibition - a collection of photographs and artifacts that depict the consequences of the bombings from 1945 through to the international peace initiatives of today; the exhibition aims to promote the total abolition of nuclear weapons through increased knowledge and understanding. Open 9am-5pm daily, Aotea Centre, BNZ Foyer, 9am-5pm daily, free admission.

~ THURS, 24 October - 'Housing in NZ: a right or a commodity?' forum at which a range of speakers will address this topic with reference to their own particular concerns and areas of expertise, and plenty of time for discussion; 7-30pm, St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby. Supper will be provided, a gold coin koha would be appreciated. Organised by the Human Rights Network (Auckland), for more info contact Kevin McBride, tel (09) 377 5541, email


~ SAT, 28 September - Peace for Iraq rally - a new war against Iraq would be a disaster for the people of the region and the world, we are calling on all Hawke's Bay supporters of peace and social justice to join an anti-war mobilisation on Saturday September 28th as part of an international campaign to oppose the push for war on Iraq by the US and UK. War is a crime against humanity, the environment and the consequences of escalating violence in the Middle East are unthinkable. War resolves nothing and creates more suffering. The rally will start at 11am, in Clive Square, followed by a march to Saint John's Cathedral. People are invited to bring a flower as a reminder of the fragility, preciousness and beauty of life. For more info contact Odile Balas tel 06 835 0141 or email


~ FRI, 27 September - 'No war for oil' - to collect donations of oil for the US government so they won't have to bomb Iraq to get it, "we want to see an end to the bloodshed and a prevention of further death"; 12 noon, meet at the Cenotaph (corner Bowen Street and Lambton Quay), then an information stall will be set up on Lambton Quay. Later in the afternoon the oil will be taken to the US embassy. Organised by Urban Vision Social Action Group, for more info contact Cat, tel (04) 385 7583.

~ FRI, 27 September - Free Mordecai Vanunu! 16 years in prison in Israel for blowing the whistle on Israel's secret nuclear weapons production, rally with speakers including Ced Simpson (Amnesty), Catherine Belfield Haines (VUWSA), Don Carson (Wellington Palestine Group), Robert Reid (trade union), and poetry read by Maureen Hoy and Diana Unwin; 12 noon to 1pm at parliament. Organised by the Campaign to Free Vanunu (Lower Hutt), for more info contact Arthur Quinn, tel (04) 567 0533.

~ FRI, 27 September - 'Race, Gender and Human Rights', a forum with guest speaker Dr Feride Acar, Vice Chair, United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, and panel members Leah Whiu, Ngatihine, Ngapuhi, Lecturer, School of Law, University of Waikato; Ranka Margetic-Sosa, Wellington Refugee as Survivors Centre; and Joy Liddicoat, Commissioner, Human Rights Commission. 12 noon to 2pm, Lecture Theatre 1, Rear Courtyard, Government Buildings; lunch will be provided. Organised by The Centre for Public Law and Wellington Women Lawyers Association, to RSVP and for any enquiries, please Claire Blanchfield, tel (04) 463 6327 or email

~ FRI, 27 September - Critical Mass 10th birthday party! drag out your old "Bypass My Ass" T-Shirts, banners etc ... bring your bike, skates, blades or scooter for a celebration of things human-powered, and we'll go for a short ride around town spreading good karma; meet 5-30pm in Civic Square.

~ FRI, 27 and SAT, 28 September - 'Equipping the Saints' - A Training Workshop for Prison Ministry', a ten hour training seminar for those church members who are either involved in prison ministry, or are interested in being trained in prison ministry; to be held at Crossroads Community Church, Salvation Army, cnr Kings Cres and Cornwall St, Lower Hutt. Conducted by Prison Fellowship New Zealand, for more info contact Carolyn Workman, email or tel (04) 570 1252.

~ SAT, 28 September - No new war on Iraq - rally for peace' - with Sue Kedgeley, Green MP; Jill Ovens, trade unionist; Don Carson, Wellington Palestine Group; Iraq Medical Sanctions Alert Group; Assyrian Aid; Peace Movement Aotearoa; Socialist Worker; the Alliance; performance poets, music from the Brass Razoo Solidarity Band and Wellington Carnival Street Band, open mike and information tables, from 12 noon to 2pm, in Cuba Mall. Organised by Peace Action Wellington, as part of the international day of action, for more info contact PAW email or tel (04) 382 8129.

~ MON, 30 September - 'No new war on the people of Iraq - what can we do?', Peace Action Wellington meeting for action planning, with a focus on planning for events on 26 October; from 7pm to 9pm at Athena College, Southmark House, 203 Willis St. Come and have your say ... all welcome! For more info contact PAW email or tel (04) 382 8129.

~ TUES, 1 October - Stop 1080! rally against 1080 drops - 1080 is an indiscriminate poison, it kills our animals and native birds, endangers our health, poisons our waterways and our environment; there are safer alternatives, and ways to use the possum to our advantage. Please help us to save our environment for future generations; 12-15pm, meet in Civic Square, then march to parliament. Organised by the Toxins Action Group, for more info contact Kate Winters, rally coordinator, tel (04) 5274-269 or email

~ THURS, 3 October - candle lit vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact PMA, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ THURS, 3 October - an evening with Norma Velasquez from Minka (Peru) - Norma has served on the International Federation of Alternative Trade (IFAT) executive for many years, she will be telling the story behind the products made by Minka and the political situation in Peru (privatisation reform of essential services like water and telecommunications), its ramifications for social justice, and how important fair trade is in such circumstances; 7pm at Athena Montessori College, 203 Willis Street. Organised by Trade Aid, if you are planning on going, please RSVP to < >

~ THURS, 3 October - 'In a land of Plenty', Alistair Barry, producer and director of the documentary hit from the Film Festival will introduce the film and lead a discussion; 7pm at the Memorial Theatre, Victoria University Students Union. Tickets ($10) available at 220 Willis Street, organised by the Wellington Central Labour Party.

~ SAT, 5 October - 'Democracy = STV?', a Wellington People's Forum organising and information meeting with Stephen Todd, Electoral Reform Coalition, 2-30pm, People's Centre, Lukes Lane. For more info contact Jocelyn Brooks email

~ ongoing to 6 October - 'New Zealand Photographers Abroad' brings together images by eight leading and emerging New Zealand documentary photographers - Bruce Connew, Glenn Jowitt, Terry O'Connor, Gil Hanly, Nicola Dove, Bryn Evans, David Gurr and Louise Hyatt - who were invited by VSA (Volunteer Service Abroad) to embark on two-week photographic assignments in the countries where VSA sends volunteers - South Africa, Tanzania, East Timor, Laos, Cambodia, Samoa, Bhutan, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tokelau, Vanuatu, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. "The exhibition provides both a rich and vibrant celebration of global life and culture and an exploration of the challenges facing people living in the developing world through New Zealanders' eyes." At the City Gallery, for more info check out

~ WEDS, 9 October - ‘National Plan of Action for Human Rights’ (NPA), with speakers including: Rosslyn Noonan (Chief Human Rights Commissioner); Marianne Elliott (NPA Project Manager, HRC) who will outline the NPA project including the proposed process and broad framework of issues to be covered by the project; Ced Simpson (Amnesty International New Zealand), who will present a NGO perspective on the development of a NPA. "The government has indicated its intention to create and sustain a world-leading human rights environment, in which human rights considerations are at the heart of public and international policy development and implementation. The Government's aim is to be achieved through stronger human rights law complemented by human rights education and backed up by coordinated delivery of human rights advocacy. The development of an effective NPA is intended to assist in achieving these outcomes." from 12-30pm to 2 pm, Conference Room, Human Rights Commission, 8th Floor, 8 Aitken St, Thorndon. RSVPs to Narlene Ioane by 12 noon Tuesday 8 October, tel (04) 471 6756, or email

~ WEDS, 9 October - People's Global Action / W((i))ndy video evening, screening of Berlusconi's Mousetrap (120 minutes), a film by Irish Indymedia people about the huge anti-capitalist protests in Genoa in July 2001, followed by a Q&A session with people who were in Genoa; 8pm at The Space, suggested koha of $5. For more info contact Kevin tel 021 100 7812 or email

~ THURS, 10 October - candle lit vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact PMA, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ SAT, 12 October - Aotearoa Jams for Palestinian Freedom! live acts including Footsouljahs, Rainbow Country, Nemo, Rhombus, DJ Curb and DJ Alphabet Head; benefit gig organised by Wellington Students for Justice in Palestine, proceeds to Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement Between people; doors open at 9pm, Indigo Bar (Cuba St), $10 at the door. For more info contact email

~ THURS, 17 October - candle lit vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact PMA, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ SAT, 26 October - ‘Celebrating Alan Brunton: a celebration of his life and work’, in memory of Alan, the celebration features performers from Red Mole's recent and not so recent past, more information on-line at

~ every Saturday - 'Behind the News' on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 12-30pm, brought to you by Linda Hobman and Jim Delahunty. If you have something you’d like them to cover, or a comment on the programme, please contact Jim Delahunty tel (04)938 6943 or Linda Hobman tel (04) 380 0194.

~ every Sunday - Te Aro Heritage guided walks, courtesy of Campaign for a Better City, take place each Sunday for the foreseeable future. Meet at 1pm at the junction of Cuba Street and Tonks Avenue, opposite Arthur Street; entry by koha. Contact Karen MacIntyre tel (04) 973 5355 for more information or to volunteer your time.

~ every Sunday, ‘Peace Report’ on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 11-45am, brought to you by the Peace Council, funded by PADET. If you or your group wish to make a free programme to be broadcast in this slot, please contact Des Brough tel/fax (04) 388 3173.


~ THURS, 3 October - 'Store Wars - when Wal-Mart Comes to Town', US film maker Micha Peled will be presenting his award winning documentary, which tells of one community’s strategy to beat off the world’s largest retailer - a story being mirrored in New Zealand communities facing the same effects. The screening will be followed by a presentation and question and answer period by Micha Peled; 7pm-9pm, Academy Cinema, $11 (adults), $9 (students) and $7 (seniors). For more info contact CAFCA, email

~ FRI, 4 October - 'Praying for Peace', a brief liturgy to launch prayers for world peace, 12-35pm, in the Christchurch Anglican Cathedral. Christian World Service is organising these prayer vigils in conjunction with the Cathedral and invites all who can to join as we pray that war, with all its horrible consequences, will be avoided. For more info contact CWS, tel (03) 366 9274.

~ FRI, 11 and SAT, 12 October - 'Equipping the Saints' - A Training Workshop for Prison Ministry', a ten hour training seminar for those church members who are either involved in prison ministry, or are interested in being trained in prison ministry; to be held at Bible College of New Zealand 70 Condell Ave, Papanui. Conducted by Prison Fellowship New Zealand, for more info contact Carolyn Workman, email or tel (04) 570 1252.

~ FRI 11, 18 and 25 October - 'Praying for Peace', a place for people to come together to pray during the hour 12-35pm to 1-35 pm, in the Christchurch Anglican Cathedral. Christian World Service is organising these prayer vigils in conjunction with the Cathedral and invites all who can to join as we pray that war, with all its horrible consequences, will be avoided. For more info contact CWS, tel (03) 366 9274.

~ ongoing to 3 November - Gandhi Exhibition and Seminar series - portraits and informal images of Mohandas Gandhi and a seminar series to promote non-violence as an alternative to conflict, at the Canterbury Museum. For more info contact the Centre for Continuing Education tel (03) 364 2346. ________________________________________

If you would like your event for peace or social justice included in these listings, please send the details (including contact details for at least one of the people organising it) to < > Please put ‘for what’s on’ in the subject heading of your message. ________________________________________

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