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Peace Movement - what’s on where listings

National - what’s on where listings


~ Vacancy: Programme Coordinator for the Decade to Overcome Violence, Conference of Churches in Aotearoa New Zealand - see after local listings below.


~ 24 October - United Nations Day - see local listing for Auckland below.

~ 26 October - Stop the war on Iraq before it starts! began as a national march on Washington on the first anniversary of the signing of the so-called Patriot Act; now an International day of Action. "As the Bush administration violates international law it has been systematically engaged in a campaign of division and repression in the United States including a wholesale assault on the Bill of Rights, institutionalisation of racial profiling, and aggregation of near dictatorial powers to the Executive branch. In articulating the so-called doctrine of preemptive war, the Bush administration is preparing to violate all existing international law and the UN charter which forbids countries to carry out war except in the case of self-defense. Preemption is merely a slogan to justify a foreign policy of armed aggression and military adventure." For more info check out

~ 25 November to 1 December (in Auckland) - 'Courageous Women in Dangerous Times: Women Working for Peace', the Gertrud Baer Seminar 2002, “from banners, blockades and bolt cutters to interventions at the United Nations, women working for peace use a variety of ways and means to get the message across”; an opportunity for young women to be part of the first International WILPF meeting to be held in Aotearoa/NZ. The seminar weaves in and out of the WILPF meeting - a chance to learn from each other and from peace women from around the world; includes a two day seminar ‘The Impact of Colonisation on Indigenous Women and the Environment’, with workshops with indigenous women from Aotearoa/New Zealand and other parts of the Pacific. $250 / $100 (subsidised), cost includes seminars, workshops, meals and accommodation. Restricted to 25 young women, registration deadline is 25 October. For more information or a registration form, contact (please put GB Seminar in subject line) or Gertrud Baer Seminar, c/o PMA, PO Box 9314, Wellington.

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~ TUES, 26 November and WEDS, 27 November (in Auckland) - ‘The Effects of Colonisation on Indigenous Women and the Environment’, a two day seminar with indigenous women from Aotearoa/New Zealand and other parts of the Pacific, begins at 9am on the Tuesday with a pöwhiri, closes with a poroporoakï at 4-30pm on the Wednesday, includes a bus tour showing the effects of colonisation on the environment in the Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland area, hangi, workshops and discussion groups; $112 all inclusive cost, overnight accommodation available at $10 or $59 - all women welcome. Part of the International WILPF 2002 meeting; for more information or a registration form, contact (please put Colonisation Seminar in subject line) or WILPF Aotearoa, PO Box 47-189, Ponsonby, Auckland.

~ Ongoing - Veterans for Peace Iraq Water Project - which sends teams of veterans/activists into Iraq to renovate water treatment plants in protest at, and to assist alleviating the effects of, the sanctions - is looking for volunteers from other countries including NZ. If you are interested in helping or would like more information, please check out

*** NATIONAL ***

~ FRI, 25 October - is the FINAL deadline for submissions to the Waikato District Council on the building of a new prison at Meremere. The submission form is available as a Word 6 attachment from

~ MON, 28 October - 167th anniversary of the singing of the Declaration of Independence, see local listings for Te Maiki and Wellington below.

~ MON, 28 October - National Balloon Release! to mark the one year countdown to lifting the moratorium on the commercial release of Genetically Modified/Engineered Organisms into our Environment. This occasion will highlight the fact that in one year, no one will have a choice about whether or not they want their own property, their local area, their region or the whole of New Zealand to be GE Free - where the balloons go, airborne GE contamination can follow (not to mention other vectors such as soils, etc.). For more info and to find out where your local balloon release will be happening, check out

~ 31 October - Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand in 2002 - nominations for the 2002 Award close on 31 October. Roger Award nomination form and criteria are available on-line at

~ FRI, 8 and SAT, 9 November - ‘Then and now - the theology of armed violence’, Anglican Pacifist Fellowship National Conference and Open Day, speakers include Revd Geoff Haworth, Dr Margaret Bedggood, and Dr Chris Marshall; there is a session on ' Seeking Peace in Israel-Palestine' with Boris Lubetzky of the Auckland Jewish Community and Tuma Hazou, a Christian Arab and former Middle East correspondent for BBC, NBC and ABC. From midday Friday to evening Saturday at the All Saints Church, Ponsonby, Auckland. $25 including lunch, please RSVP by 2 November if you’re planning on going. For more info or to book please contact Chris Barfoot, tel (09) 575 6142, fax (09) 575 4836 or e-mail

~ FRI, 8 to SUN, 10 November (in Wellington) - Aotearoa People's Global Action Convergence! Peoples Global Action is a worldwide network that works towards a durable, peaceful, social, borderless and directly democratic alternative to capitalism and all systems of oppression - the PGA Convergence in Wellington will include strategic sessions on * opposing militarism, contact Peace Movement Aotearoa * Tino Rangatiratanga, contact Aotearoa Educators * strategising against privatisation, contact Anti-Bypass Action * constructing alternative models to the capitalist system, contact * Indymedia, contact Windymedia collective The Convergence is for everyone who has an affinity with the PGA hallmarks and the PGA Organisational Principles, for more info check out Hosted by Te Mana Akonga and Ngai Tauira, Wellington collectives and groups including Aotearoa Educators, Windymedia, Anti-Bypass Action, Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation (CEC) ... the PGA Convergence will be in the Student Union Building, Victoria University, Kelburn Parade, Wellington

~ SAT, 16 November - National GE Free March and Rally, in Auckland - see local listings below.

~ ongoing to 8 December - Taiawhio: continuity and change - celebrating the rich traditions of Maori visual culture, both customary and contemporary, at Te Papa (Wellington), for more details check out

~ ongoing to 19 December - Mataku! a series of contemporary tales of the unexpected and unexplained, ordinary characters encounter mysterious phenomena of Mäori mythology, presented by Temuera Morrison; 9-30pm on Thursdays on TV3. To congratulate TV3 on this series, and encourage them to screen more Mäori programmes at a reasonable viewing hour, you can use the feedback form at or fax TV3 Programming at (09) 302 2103, or write to TV3 Programming, Private Bag 92 624, Symonds Street, Auckland.

~ FRI, 24 to SUN, 26 January 2003 - Waihopai Spybase protest! NZ is one of George Bush’s most enthusiastic allies in his apparently endless and borderless 'war on terror' - the public face of that is the involvement of the SAS in the war in Afghanistan; but New Zealand’s most significant contribution to that war, and any other wars waged by our Western allies, is the Waihopai spybase. Even though the Government is not so keen on following the US in its plans to wage war on Iraq, Waihopai will play a key role in that too, because it is controlled by the US, with NZ (including Parliament) having little or no idea what goes on there (let alone any control). Waihopai does not operate in the national interests of New Zealand or our neighbours. Basically it is a foreign spybase on NZ soil and directly involves us in America’s wars. Waihopai must be closed! We invite people from around the country to join us for the weekend of anti-war protest at this spybase. Come prepared for roughing it and camping out. For more info contact the Anti-Bases Campaign, Box 2258, Christchurch; email or check out

***** LOCAL *****


~ MON, 28 October - the Kororareka Marae Society of Russell, Bay of Islands commemorates the 167th anniversary of He Wakaputanga O Rangitiratanga O Nu Tirene (Declaration of Independence of New Zealand); begins with a dawn service at Te Maiki as the Confederation of Tribe's flag is raised, followed by a Wananga where invited speakers will tell the history of this event and how it relates to Te Tiriti O Waitangi. The rest of the day will be a celebration of Maori culture featuring entertainment, arts and crafts.


~ SAT 26, to MON, 28 October - Scrap to Sculpture Project! Creating sculptures out of recycled materials, hosted by Sustainable Whangarei in conjunction with Northland Craft Trust. For more info contact Jill Welch tel /fax (09) 433 8734 or Leanne tel (09) 438 1215.


~ THURS, 24 October - 'Housing in NZ: a right or a commodity?' forum at which a range of speakers will address this topic with reference to their own particular concerns and areas of expertise, and plenty of time for discussion; 7-30pm, St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby. Supper will be provided, a gold coin koha would be appreciated. Organised by the Human Rights Network (Auckland), for more info contact Kevin McBride, tel (09) 377 5541, email

~ FRI, 25 October - 'Think and Drink Evening' with Terry Bell, a Cape Town-based freelance writer, columnist and editor who was banned and in exile from South Africa for 27 years; 6pm, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd. Organised by Global Peace and Justice Auckland and the Working Womens Resource Centre, for more info contact Mike Treen or John Minto

~ SAT, 26 October - ‘No More Blood for Oil’ ­ Mobilise to stop the war on Iraq, 12 noon, Queen Elizabeth Square, Auckland City. For more info contact Global Peace and Justice Auckland, Mike Treen or John Minto

~ TUES, 28 October - 'The Great Deception', Canadian journalist and TV presenter Barry Zwicker hosts a series of six brief programmes (40 minutes total) examining the circumstances around the events of September 11 and posing the questions which remain to be answered and which few people in the media are asking; 8pm on Triangle TV.

~ SAT, 2 November - Palestine/Israel Rally for Peace, supporting peace and justice based on Removal of Israeli Occupation, Right of Return for Refugees, Sharing Jerusalem and Cessation of Jewish only Settlements in occupied Palestine, 2pm to 3pm, Aotea Square, Queen Street. Contact David Wakim tel (09) 520 0201.

~ SAT, 2 November - 'Aceh and West Papua on the brink of war', video screening and discussion, followed by soup and bread, admission by koha; from 4pm at Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Rd, opposite Castle St. Organised by the Indonesia Human Rights Committee, for more info contact tel (09) 815 9000 or email

~ SUN, 3 November - 'Who's left on the left?' a post-election discussion about whether there is any place for social justice in NZ politics today, with speakers including Terry Dibble, Sue Bradford, Marnie Ainsworth. Discussion on the implications of the Labour government's association with United Future for issues of social justice; 7-30pm, St Columba's Anglican Community Church, 92 Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn. For more info contact tel (09) 376 4229 or email mailto:

~ MON, 4 November - 'The WTO, Gatts and Privatisation',. with Jane Kelsey (ARENA), Penny Bright (Water Pressure Group) and others - a WTO ministerial meeting is planned for November in Australia and pressure is building for extending privatisation (in the form of so-called public-private partnerships) into roading, water, health and education services. What’s wrong with these plans and what can be done to stop it? 7-30pm, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd, Organised by Global Peace and Justice Auckland, for more info contact Mike Treen or John Minto

~ THURS, 14 November - the Peace Foundation's 19th Media Peace Awards with guest speaker Tom Scott, and MCs Carol Hirschfeld and John Campbell; 7-30pm at the Maidment Theatre. Tickets $25 waged and $15 unwaged, available from the Maidment Theatre (09) 308 2383. For more information contact the Peace Foundation (09) 373 2379.

~ SAT, 16 November - GE Free March and Rally, demand a GE-Free Aotearoa, in food and environment. The government is ignoring majority public opinion; show them that the GE-Free movement is more powerful than ever; 12 noon in Aotea Square, Queen St. Endorsed by GE-Free coalitions and groups nation-wide, there will be people converging on Auckland from all over NZ, for more info (or to help) contact the Auckland GE-Free Coalition Karyn tel 09 358 4105 email or MAdGE (Mothers Against GE) tel (09) 309 3838.

~ MON, 18 November - Protest at the 3rd International Pacific Rim Biotechnology Conference - demand our food and environment remain free of GE, and free from the corporate agenda of the biotech industry to own the food supply, and our bodies; 8am to 11am, at the Sheraton Hotel, Symond St. For more info contact Karyn tel 09 358 4105 email mailto:

~ FRI, 22 November - Tony Maturin speaks about his experiences as Quaker Peace and Service NZ delegate on the Belgium/Iraq Friendship Society peace delegation to Iraq in April 2002, 7-30pm, at the The Religious Society of Friends / Te Haahi Tuuhauwiri meeting house, 113 Mt Eden Road.

~ SUN, 24 November - Symposium on Palestine, with speakers, documentary films, and action workshops, concludes with Palestinian dinner, followed by Palestinian traditional dance performance (Dabkah). There will be a focus on four main issues: the NZ government's trade and commercial links to Israel; NZ companies that trade with Israel; NZ universities links with Israel; and ways to highlight NZ wide the struggles of the Palestinian people - any advance research on these topics would be appreciated. Starts at 1pm, will end around 8pm, at Waipapa Marae (also known as Auckland University Marae), in the university campus, behind St Andrews Church which is diagonally opposite the High Court. Free entry, a small koha (donation) would be appreciated. Hosted by Auckland University Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), supported by Palestine Human Rights Campaign (PHRC), Auckland, for more info contact Zaeem email or Suzy tel (09) 520 0201.


~ SAT, 9 November - 'New Directions in Prison Ministry', a seminar for interested Christians to explore new developments in prison ministry, and the Prison Fellowship's core programmes which focus on three areas - transformation, restoration and reintegration; 5pm at at Good News City Church, Duncan St. Conducted by Prison Fellowship New Zealand, for more info contact Carolyn Workman, email or tel (04) 570 1252.

~ FRI, 15 and SAT, 16 November - 'Equipping the Saints' - A Training Workshop for Prison Ministry', a ten hour training seminar for those church members who are either involved in prison ministry, or are interested in being trained in prison ministry; to be held at Central Baptist Church, cnr Wickstead and Dublin Sts. Conducted by Prison Fellowship New Zealand, for more info contact Carolyn Workman, email or tel (04) 570 1252.


~ WEDS, 23 October - 'Trafficking in Women: The Problem and the Root Causes', with Radhika Coomaraswamy, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women; her work has included investigations into family and community violence against women, violence against women in armed conflict and international trafficking and forced prostitution of women. Trafficking in women has been specifically addressed by the First Protocol to the Convention on Transnational Organised Crime, which New Zealand ratified in July of this year. More information on Dr Coomaraswamy's work in this area is available on-line at At 5-45pm, Lecture Theatre 3, Main Building Ground Floor, Old Government Buildings. Organised by International Law Association, NZ Branch in Association with NZ Centre for Conflict Resolution (with the assistance of the NZ Foundation and the International Association of Refugee Law Judges), for more info please contact Claire Blanchfield, tel (04) 463 6327 or email

~ THURS, 24 October - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact PMA, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ THURS, 24 October - Defend public water services! public meeting with speakers David Zwartz, Wellington City Councillor; Dick Werry, Wellington Regional Councillor and others on the latest Council Water Plan What’s the rush? What’s the cost? Who’ll control it? 7-30pm, St John’s Conference Centre, corner Dixon and Willis Streets. Organised by Wellington Central Labour Electorate Committee, Hutt 20/20, Wellington Council of Trades Unions Local Affiliates Council, Wellington Residents Coalition and Victoria University Students Association, for more info contact Pat Bolster email mailto:

~ SAT, 26 October - March against the war on Iraq and in support of Palestinian freedom, assemble at 12 noon at Queen's Wharf, march to parliament and then to the US Embassy, at points along the way there will be speeches by Anti-Capitalist Alliance and other anti-imperialists including Daphna Whitmore and Philip Ferguson. Organised by the Anti Capitalist Alliance, for more info contact ACA, email mailto:

~ SAT, 26 October - ‘Celebrating Alan Brunton: a celebration of his life and work’, in memory of Alan, the celebration features performers from Red Mole's recent and not so recent past, more information on-line at

~ MON, 28 October - Independence Day! information stall on the police shooting of Steven Wallace, the prison being constructed on waahi tapu at Ngawha, and more - to mark the 167th anniversary of the singing of the Declaration of Independence; from 12 noon to 2pm, Cuba Mall by the stage. For more info contact email or tel (04) 382 8129.

~ MON, 28 October - An Evening at the Pictures, a screening of Ken Loach’s film festival hit 'The Navigators' to celebrate Labour Day, with speaker Paul Goulter, Secretary CTU, complimentary drinks and nibbles; from 7-30pm at the new Lighthouse Petone Cinema Café, 52 Beach Street (formerly Petone Labour Hall). Contact Warwick Johnston tel (04) 568 5936 for tickets, $25 each.

~ WEDS, 30 October - ‘Human Rights in the Workplace’ introductory seminar - an overview of how the new Human Rights legislation applies to the workplace, what constitutes discrimination and how it can be avoided, the costs of non-compliance and the benefits of being proactive. Followed by ‘Employment and Human Rights’ on 6 November; ‘Harassment in the Workplace’ on 13 November; and ‘Disability and its Relationship with Human Rights’ on 20 November. Seminars run by the Centre for Continuing Education and Executive Development (Victoria University) in partnership with the Human Rights Commission Te Kahui Tika Tangata. For more info or to enrol check out or contact Andrea Cochrane, tel (04) 463 6556.

~ THURS, 31 October - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact PMA, tel (04) 382 8129, mailto:

~ MON, 4 November - No war on Iraq: organising meeting for an event for 14 December in Wellington, from 7pm to 9pm at Athena College, Southmark House, 203 Willis St. Hosted and facilitated by Peace Action Wellington, all welcome. For more info contact PAW email or tel (04) 382 8129.

~ THURS, 7 November - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact PMA, tel (04) 382 8129, mailto:

~ SAT, 9 Nov - Brunch for STV! with stunning French food and beautiful music, 11am to 2pm at 81a Awa Road, Miramar. A fundraiser for the Electoral Reform Coalition, tickets are $25 and are strictly limited. For more info or tickets, contact Iona tel (04) 385 3116 e-mail mailto:

~ every Saturday - 'Behind the News' on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 12-30pm, brought to you by Linda Hobman and Jim Delahunty. If you have something you’d like them to cover, or a comment on the programme, please contact Jim Delahunty tel (04)938 6943 or Linda Hobman tel (04) 380 0194.

~ every Sunday - Te Aro Heritage guided walks, courtesy of Campaign for a Better City, take place each Sunday for the foreseeable future. Meet at 1pm at the junction of Cuba Street and Tonks Avenue, opposite Arthur Street; entry by koha. Contact Karen MacIntyre tel (04) 973 5355 for more information or to volunteer your time.

~ every Sunday, ‘Peace Report’ on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 11-45am, brought to you by the Peace Council, funded by PADET. If you or your group wish to make a free programme to be broadcast in this slot, please contact Des Brough tel/fax (04) 388 3173.


~ TUES, 22 October - meeting to organise the 'No to war on Iraq, Freedom for Palestine' protest on Saturday, 7-30pm in Rm 1106, inside the Canterbury University Library. For more info contact Dot mailto:

~ FRI, 25 October - 'Praying for Peace', a place for people to come together to pray during the hour 12-35pm to 1-35 pm, in the Christchurch Anglican Cathedral. Christian World Service is organising these prayer vigils in conjunction with the Cathedral and invites all who can to join as we pray that war, with all its horrible consequences, will be avoided. For more info contact CWS, tel (03) 366 9274.

~ SAT, 26 October - 'No to war on Iraq, Freedom for Palestine' protest, assemble at 1-30pm outside the Museum, corner Rolleston Ave and Worcester Boulevard. For more info contact Dot mailto:

~ WEDS, 30 October - ‘National Plan of Action for Human Rights’ (NPA), with speakers including: Rosslyn Noonan (Chief Human Rights Commissioner); Marianne Elliott (NPA Project Manager, HRC) who will outline the NPA project including the proposed process and broad framework of issues to be covered by the project; Ced Simpson (Amnesty International New Zealand), who will present a NGO perspective on the development of a NPA. "The government has indicated its intention to create and sustain a world-leading human rights environment, in which human rights considerations are at the heart of public and international policy development and implementation. The Government's aim is to be achieved through stronger human rights law complemented by human rights education and backed up by coordinated delivery of human rights advocacy. The development of an effective NPA is intended to assist in achieving these outcomes." from 12 noon to 2pm, Millenium Hotel, Cathedral Square. Please RSVP by 23 October if you’re planning on going, to RSVP or for more information, contact Sheryn Duell tel (03) 379 2015 or email: mailto:

~ ongoing to 3 November - Gandhi Exhibition and Seminar series - portraits and informal images of Mohandas Gandhi and a seminar series to promote non-violence as an alternative to conflict, at the Canterbury Museum. For more info contact the Centre for Continuing Education tel (03) 364 2346.

___________ Vacancy

*** Programme Coordinator for the Decade to Overcome Violence, Conference of Churches in Aotearoa New Zealand

The CCANZ wishes to appoint an innovative, creative coordinator for the Conference's recently launched Decade to Overcome Violence: churches seeking reconciliation and peace. A two-year, full-time appointment, the initial focus will be to plan and develop an ecumenical programme that reflects the Decade's aim of identifying and addressing aspects of violence within the church and society. The position is Christchurch-based, and applicants would be expected to display an understanding of and commitment to the ecumenical goals of the CCANZ. Applications close Wednesday, 30 October. To apply, or for further information or a job description, please contact: Max Reid, CCANZ, PO Box 5076 Dunedin Tel (03) 477 2000, or email

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