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National - what’s on where listings

National - what’s on where listings ****************************

* Emergency response vigil details * with the impending new ‘official’ war against the people of Iraq, the list of emergency response vigil details will be included in each ‘what’s on where’ e-listing. If you wish to have the emergency response vigil details for your city or town included, please email them to PMA email with the subject heading ‘emergency response vigil details’. If you require more information about the emergency response vigils, please contact PMA and we will send you a message which gives some background information about their purpose, and how you can set them up in your area. See local listings for Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin below.


~ Ongoing - Iraq Peace Team: John Gleisner (Religious Society of Friends, Aotearoa / New Zealand) is currently in Baghdad with the Voices in the Wilderness Iraq Peace Team. Reports received from John during his time in Iraq are available on-line at

~ THURS, 16 January - 12th anniversary of the start of the Gulf War; 18 and 19 January - Stop the war on Iraq! days of action to coincide with the anniversary. For more info check out See local listings below for * 16 January: Auckland and Wellington; and * 18 January: Christchurch and Dunedin.

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~ SAT, 15 February - next scheduled international day of action to stop the war on the people of Iraq. For more info check out Also, a week of antiwar resistance has been called for 13 to 21 February - 13 February is the 12th anniversary of the deliberate bombing of the Amariyah Bomb Shelter, Baghdad, which killed hundreds of civilians sheltering there. For more info check out

~ Current - Medical supplies for Iraq - Quaker Peace and Service Aotearoa/NZ are once more raising money to buy medical supplies for Iraq. These will be used to support the US-based NGO, LIFE for Relief and Development, mainly in their cancer relief projects, and the Rome-based NGO, Bridge to Baghdad's Sindibad Primary Health Care Clinic in Basra. Cheques can be made out to Quaker Peace and Service and sent to QPS, 7 Moncrieff St., Wellington; credit card donations can be made by email - for more info about that, or about ‘Medical supplies for Iraq’, please contact Tony Maturin or Sandra Jones tel (04) 389-4715 or email

*** NATIONAL ***

~ SAT, 18 January and SUN, 19 January - Pakeha Support Ngawha - Stop the Prison weekend, come to Ngawha to help stop prison construction work due to begin in February, includes an interdenominational commemoration of Ngawha on Sunday at 11am. Support Ngati Rangi in their peaceful, principled stand for the whenua. Pakeha responsibility to protest state cultural atrocity against land and people: not in our name. Bring tents, food to share, koha, goodwill and creativity. Together we can stop the prison. For more info contact M Armstrong tel (09) 436 1679 or 021 042 9598 or

~ SAT, 18 to MON, 20 January - Keep NZ GE Free Strategy Hui, with reports on where we've been and where we're at; strategising and planning for the future. Strategy input ideas are most welcome. Camping at the Levin Organic River Festival, food available from Festival stalls. Cost - all weekend $20 / $10, per day $10 / $5; plus $20 (reduced from $30) per person to camp at the Festival site all weekend, otherwise $2 per person per day entry to the Festival. Please register for the Hui as soon as is practicably possible, make your payment, advise us of your numbers, camp site requirements and we will organise all this for you. Cheques to ‘Keep NZ GE Free’, Levin Organic River Festival, c/o PO Box 84, Levin or contact Check out the Festival web site at

~ FRI, 24 to SUN, 26 January - Waihopai Spybase protest! NZ is one of George Bush’s most enthusiastic allies in his apparently endless and borderless 'war on terror' - the public face of that is the involvement of the SAS in the war in Afghanistan; but New Zealand’s most significant contribution to that war, and any other wars waged by our Western allies, is the Waihopai spybase. Even though the Government is not so keen on following the US in its plans to wage war on Iraq, Waihopai will play a key role in that too, because it is controlled by the US, with NZ (including Parliament) having little or no idea what goes on there (let alone any control). Waihopai does not operate in the national interests of New Zealand or our neighbours. Basically it is a foreign spybase on NZ soil and directly involves us in America’s wars. Waihopai must be closed! We invite people from around the country to join us for the weekend of anti-war protest at this spybase. Come prepared for roughing it and camping out. For more info contact the Anti-Bases Campaign, Box 2258, Christchurch; email or check out

~ MON, 27 January - Flowers of peace to Islam - on the day of the report on the weapons inspection in Iraq, give a flower to Islam as a symbol of peace and to demonstrate that you do not support the intention of mass violence on Iraq. Either lay flowers at the gate of a mosque in your area or give a flower to a Muslim. But please respect Muslim tradition. Men only give flowers of peace to Muslim men, and women only give flowers of peace to Muslim women. Through this act, our government will witness our desire for peaceful, non-violent resolutions; and that we do not want our country to be party to war. Our cry for non-violence encourages peace. Our silence will only add to the violence. Organised by Families for NonViolence, check out or contact tel (09) 810 9066 email

~ SAT, 22 March - Families for NonViolence March and Picnic, make a stand for safer homes, communities and a safer world for everyone. For details of a march near you, check out or contact tel (09) 810 9066 email

***** LOCAL *****


* Auckland Emergency Response Vigil Details * if the US government and its allies start an all-out ‘official’ war on the people in Iraq, there will be a rally at 5-30pm at the US Consulate, Citibank Bldg, Customs St East, Central Auckland on the day we hear of the attack. For more information contact Global Peace and Justice Auckland, John Minto email or Mike Treen email

~ THURS, 16 January - Vigil for Peace on the 12th Anniversary of the start of the Gulf War, 4-30pm outside the US Consulate, Custom Street. Organised by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), for more info contact Joan Macdonald tel (09) 360 8001 or email

~ THURS, 23 January - 'The rising revolutionary tide' an Anti-Capitalist Alliance public meeting, with screenings of 'March on Imperialism - Anti-Capitalists in NZ' and 'Nepal: it's only a matter of time', 7-30pm Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. Organised by the Anti-Capitalist Alliance, for more info contact email

~ SAT, 1 February - Palestine/Israel Rally for Peace, supporting peace and justice based on Removal of Israeli Occupation, Right of Return for Refugees, Sharing Jerusalem and Cessation of Jewish only Settlements in occupied Palestine, 2pm to 3pm, Aotea Square, Queen Street. Contact David Wakim tel (09) 520 0201.

~ SUN, 2 February - A March for Justice and Peace (Synagogue to Church to Mosque) - assemble at 2pm outside the Synagogue at Kadimah College Greys Ave (Pitt street end) City; then march via Hopetoun St, to Ponsonby Rd, to Vermont St to the grounds of the Church then to the grounds of the Mosque opposite - at each place there will be time for prayer, comments and song. The march is to support the international 'Open Jerusalem - end occupation' peace march supported by Jews, Christians and Muslims walking between Bethlehem and Jerusalem on 31 December 2001. For more info contact Kevin McBride, Pax Christi, email tel (09) 377 5541 or David Wakim tel (09) 520 0201.

~ SUN, 16 February - Peace in the Park concert / festival, a family type fun day with a strong political message against the American war plans for Iraq, from 2pm at Potters Park. More details as they are finalised. Organised by Global Peace and Justice Auckland, for more info contact John Minto email or Mike Treen email


~ MON, 27 January - Stop The War Against Iraq meeting, 7pm at Patchworks Self Development Centre, 3 Gordon Street. For more info, contact the organiser c/o Peace Movement Aotearoa tel (04) 382 8129 or email


* Wellington Emergency Response Vigil Details * if the US government and its allies start an all-out ‘official’ war on the people in Iraq, there will be a vigil at 5pm at the Cenotaph on the day we hear of the attack, and a march to the US embassy if sufficient numbers of people come to the vigil. For more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ THURS, 16 January 2003 - Stop killing the people of Iraq! all day peace presence at the US embassy to mark the anniversary of the start of the Gulf War and twelve years of ongoing bombing and strafing attacks, and vicious economic sanctions which have resulted in the deaths of more than one and a half million people. * 7-30am to 9am - protest along the Murphy Street side of the embassy as the morning commuters pass by; bring a banner, noise makers, and long strips of crimson or red ribbons or streamers * 9am to 6-30pm - organise your own peaceful protest along the Murphy Street side of the embassy * 5pm to 6pm - weekly vigil for peace at the Cenotaph, corner Bowen St and Lambton Quay * 6pm - march to the US embassy * 6-30pm - rally with speakers in Fitzherbert Tce. From 7-30am to 6-30pm Fitzherbert Tce is set aside as a quiet zone for those who wish to engage in silent or prayerful vigil; there will be an information table all day with petition forms and leaflets at the corner of Fitzherbert Tce and Murphy Street. All welcome to come to the above events and to call by at any time during the day. For more information please contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129, email

~ SAT, 18 January - No war on the people of Iraq! information stall, 11-30am to 1pm every Saturday in Cuba Mall (usually near Trade Aid), look for the banners ‘No war on Iraq’ and ‘No blood for oil’. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ THURS, 23 January - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ SAT, 25 January - No war on the people of Iraq! information stall, 11-30am to 1pm every Saturday in Cuba Mall (usually near Trade Aid), look for the banners ‘No war on Iraq’ and ‘No blood for oil’. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ MON, 27 January - ‘No War on Iraq’ planning meeting ­ come along and get involved with a broad group of organisations and individuals organising against war on Iraq; 7pm, Athena Montessori College, Southmark House, 203 Willis Street. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ THURS, 30 January - vigil for peace, 5pm to 6pm at the Cenotaph, for more info contact Peace Movement Aotearoa, tel (04) 382 8129,

~ SAT, 1 February - No war on the people of Iraq! information stall, 11-30am to 1pm every Saturday in Cuba Mall (usually near Trade Aid), look for the banners ‘No war on Iraq’ and ‘No blood for oil’. For more info contact Peace Action Wellington tel (04) 382 8129 or email

~ Every Saturday - 'Behind the News' on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 12-30pm, brought to you by Linda Hobman and Jim Delahunty. If you have something you’d like them to cover, or a comment on the programme, please contact Jim Delahunty tel (04)938 6943 or Linda Hobman tel (04) 380 0194.

~ Every Sunday - Te Aro Heritage guided walks, courtesy of Campaign for a Better City, take place each Sunday for the foreseeable future. Meet at 1pm at the junction of Cuba Street and Tonks Avenue, opposite Arthur Street; entry by koha. Contact Karen MacIntyre tel (04) 973 5355 for more information or to volunteer your time.

~ Every Sunday, ‘Peace Report’ on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 11-45am, brought to you by the Peace Council, funded by PADET. If you or your group wish to make a free programme to be broadcast in this slot, please contact Des Brough tel/fax (04) 388 3173.


~ SAT, 25 January - protest with an anti-war theme (linked to the Waihopai Spybase protest, see National listings above), 11am in Seymour Square.


~ SAT, 25 January - protest with an anti-war theme (linked to the Waihopai Spybase protest, see National listings above), 2-30pm at the Waihopai Spybase protest, Waihopai Valley Road. To get there: take Highway 6 out of Blenheim (the Nelson road); just before Renwick, turn left onto to Highway 63 (the Nelson Lakes road); a few kms down that, turn left down the Waihopai Valley road (winery on corner) - the spybase is about 10 kms up the valley (you can’t miss it, two huge white domes).


~ Every Friday - ‘NO to war’, join Nelson Peace and Justice Group every Friday between 4pm and 6pm, on the centre strip by the BP station in Haven Road. Bring your own signs or borrow one of ours. For more info contact email


~ SAT, 18 January - No to war on Iraq! anti-war march and rally to protest against the planned war on Iraq, especially against any NZ involvement; leaves 1-30pm from the Museum, march through the city via Cashel Mall and High St to the Square, rally with speakers including Dean Peter Beck, Mayor Garry Moore, Keith Locke, Moana Cole and Tim Barnett in the Square. Organised by the Christchurch Peace Action Network, for more info contact email

~ TUES, 21 January - Peace Action Network planning meeting, WEA, 59 Gloucester St. Contact email

~ TUES, 4 February - WWIII3 in Iraq? Talk and discussion with speaker Larry Ross, a reckless US Administration, supported by the UK and Australia, threaten pre-emptive war, even nuclear war, against other nations. Rather than fighting terrorists, they are creating them. Is Iraq's oil the real goal? Vital disarmament treaties and international laws are being abandoned for what the US calls: "wars against terrorism". Israel, with 400 nuclear weapons, may expand its military conquest of Palestine and enflame the Arab world, if Iraq war starts pressures will increase on NZ for military support, to scrap our nuclear-free laws, and accept U.S. nuclear warship visits. NZ could become a US base and potential nuclear target. Can we help prevent it? yes we can. 7-30pm at WEA, 59 Gloucester St. Sponsored by The New Zealand Nuclear-Free Peacemaking Association, tel (03) 388-9816 or Geraldine (03) 693 9055

~ Every Friday - Christchurch Catholic Worker invite you to join their vigil at the US Air Force base at Harewood, flights from the base serve the vast US military/intelligence bases at Pine Gap and Nurrungar. Meet at 5pm, at the Airport Roundabout (where the totem pole is). For more info contact Christchurch Catholic Worker email >


* Dunedin Emergency Response Vigil Details * if the US government and its allies start an all-out ‘official’ war on the people in Iraq, there will be an all night vigil from 5pm in the Octagon on the day we hear of the attack. For more info contact tel 021 234 2336 email

~ SAT, 18 January - March for peace - 12 noon leaves the museum, 12-30pm rally with speakers, a sausage sizzle and music, in the Octagon (wet weather venue, inside the Cathedral). For more info contact tel 021 234 2336 email

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